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CCI Print Products: National Correct Coding Policy Manual for Part B Medicare Carriers Column 1 Code Sequence

Code lists in column 1 code sequence

National Correct Coding Policy Manual for Part B Medicare Carriers Column 1 Code Sequence

Order number: SUB-9576

Four issues for $360

Individual issues $100 plus handling fee


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This easy-to-understand, easy-to-use manual allows you to lookup the column 1 code for a particular procedure and see all of the column 2 codes that cannot be reimbursed if you bill under the column 1 code. It also shows which of the two mutually exclusive codes will be reimbursed. The full printed version of the manual includes all of these column 1 and exclusive code pairs arranged into chapters. These chapters are organized by CPT codes for specific medical procedures and services. HCPCS Level II codes under the Part B Carriers' jurisdiction are also provided.

This manual also contains the updated:

  • Introduction to the Correct Coding Initiative
  • General Correct Coding policies
  • Policy Narratives that will help you understand the edits
  • State by State listing of Medicare Part B Carriers to know who to call with questions


CPT codes only are copyrighted 2011 by the American Medical Association (AMA). All Rights Reserved. If you wish to reproduce this product, you must sign an agreement, or call 703-605-6015 for more information.