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Julius Genachowski, Staff of

Date Published: March 15 2011
Zachary Katz | Chief of Staff

Mr. Katz previously served as Chief Counsel and Legal Advisor to the Chairman and Deputy Chief of the Commission’s Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis. Mr. Katz has led a number of high-priority initiatives at the Commission, including the creation of the Connect America Fund, which brought sweeping reforms to the Universal Service Fund and Intercarrier Compensation programs. He joined the FCC in 2009 from the White House Counsel’s Office and previously practiced law at Munger, Tolles & Olson in Los Angeles. Mr. Katz served as a law clerk for the Honorable Kim M. Wardlaw of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit after receiving his law degree from Yale, where he was Editor-in-Chief of The Yale Law Journal and active in the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization. Before law school he worked with technology companies at a strategy consulting and investment firm in Silicon Valley.

Sherrese Smith | Chief Counsel and Senior Legal Advisor

Ms. Smith previously served as Senior Counsel to Chairman Genachowski and Legal Advisor. Ms. Smith manages the Commission’s overall policy agenda, and is responsible for policy coordination among the Bureaus and Offices. She also has advisory responsibilities on all media, consumer protection, and enforcement issues. Ms. Smith was Vice President and General Counsel of Washington Post Digital. Before that, Ms. Smith was a member of the Intellectual Property group at Arnold and Porter. She currently serves on the board of the ABA’s Forum for Communications Law, has served on the board of the Media Law Resource Center Institute and was a co-chair of the Copyright Committee of the ABA. Ms. Smith is a frequent lecturer on media, publishing, Internet and intellectual property issues and is a faculty member for the Practicing Law Institute.

Charles Mathias | Special Counsel

Prior to joining the Chairman’s office, Mr. Mathias was Associate Bureau Chief in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission. He has led various Bureau initiatives in the areas of spectrum management, technology, and innovation and was a member of the bureau team that reviewed the AT&T-T-Mobile transaction. Previously, he was Senior Legal Advisor to Former FCC Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker, where, in addition to managing the day-to-day operations of the Commissioner’s office, he was responsible for wireless, international, satellite, and public safety issues. Before that, Mr. Mathias served in a variety of roles in the Wireless Bureau and as acting Public Safety and International advisor to former FCC Chairman Kevin Martin.

Renee Wentzel | Legal Advisor

Ms. Wentzel has particular responsibility for wireless and engineering and technology issues, including removing barriers to mobile broadband deployment and unlicensed spectrum policy. Ms. Wentzel previously practiced law at a Washington, D.C. law firm specializing in telecommunications. She engaged in advocacy, transactional, compliance, and enforcement proceedings at the FCC, and has experience in wireless, wireline, international, and consumer and governmental affairs matters. Prior to becoming an attorney, she advised government contractors regarding federal procurement policy and business strategy as a public affairs advisor at a large international law firm. Ms. Wentzel received her J.D., cum laude, from the Georgetown University Law Center, and her B.A., cum laude, with distinction in history, from Yale University.

Lyle Elder | Attorney-Advisor

Mr. Elder works on a range of issues, including broadcast and cable services and matters related to consumer protection and accessibility. Mr. Elder served most recently in the Policy Division of the Media Bureau. He primarily focused on television rulemakings, particularly those involving broadcast, mandatory carriage, and consumer rights. He was extensively involved in the Commission’s DTV Transition efforts, as principal author of several rulemakings and as the Director of outreach efforts in the East Central Region. Mr. Elder is a graduate of The University of Chicago Law School and the University of Virginia.

Michael Steffen | Legal Advisor  

Mr. Steffan, Legal Advisor to the Chairman, has particular responsibility for wireline, international, and Internet issues, including universal service, open Internet, and satellite matters. Mr. Steffen previously served as Special Counsel in the Office of General Counsel, where he has helped coordinate the Commission’s Universal Service Fund and Intercarrier Compensation reforms and other priority projects. Mr. Steffen previously served as Special Counsel in the Office of General Counsel, where he has helped coordinate the Commission’s Universal Service Fund and Intercarrier Compensation reforms and other priority projects. Mr. Steffen clerked for the Honorable David S. Tatel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit after receiving his law degree from Yale. Before law school, he worked at the Center for Democracy and Technology, focusing on copyright, Internet governance, and consumer privacy issues.

Maria Gaglio | Confidential Assistant



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