United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Commission Action Memoranda (COMs and COMSECYs) for 1998

As a general policy, COMs and COMSECYs will be released to the public unless they contain specific limited types of information which warrant protection. Missing numbers in the listing indicate that these papers involve matters which the Commission has specifically agreed should be withheld: Classified, Safeguards, Allegation, Investigation, Security-Related, Proprietary, Privacy Act Information, Federal/State/Foreign Government and International Agency-Controlled Information, Adjudicatory, Enforcement, Lawyer-Client or Legal Work Product, and limited sensitive matters which contain a specific withhold recommendation and supporting justification. (Reference Internal Commission Procedures, Chapter II.)

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Document Number Description Date
COMSECY-98-037 Staff Requirements – A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Proposal to Facilitate the Disposal of Mixed Waste 01/27/1999
Commissioner McGaffigan's Comments on COMSECY-98-037 12/21/1998
Commissioner Diaz' Comments on COMSECY-98-037 01/04/1999
COMSECY-98-036 Staff Requirements – Draft NRC Contingency Plan for the Year 2000 Issue in the Nuclear Industry 02/19/1999
Commissioner McGaffigan's Comments on COMSECY-98-036 02/13/1998
Commissioner Merrifield's Comments on COMSECY-98-036 11/09/1998
Chairman Jackson's Comments on COMSECY 98-036 12/08/1998
COMSECY-98-035 Staff Requirements – Enforcement Policy Revision for Granting Enforcement Discretion as a Result of Natural Events 12/22/1998
COMSECY-98-031 Proposed Reorganizations 12/01/1998
Staff Requirements –  Proposed Reorganizations 09/30/1998
COMSECY-98-025 Staff Requirements – Final Safety Evaluation Report (FSER) and Final Design Approval (FDA) for the AP600 09/03/1998
COMSECY-98-024 Response to Issues Raised Within the Senate Authorization Context and July 17, 1998 Stakeholder Meeting 09/15/1998
Staff Requirements – Response to Issues Raised Within the Senate Authorization Context and July 17, 1998 Stakeholder Meeting 08/25/1998
COMSECY-98-022 Staff Requirements – Proposal to Permanently Dispose of "Unimportant Quantities" of Source Material Without a License Pursuant to 10 CFR 40.13(a) 02/02/1999
COMSECY-98-020 Staff Requirements – NRC Issues with the Environmental Protection Agency's Draft Yucca Mountain Standard (40 CFR Part 197) 08/14/1998
COMSECY-98-016 Staff Requirements – Federal Register Notice on Potassium Iodide 09/13/1998
COMSECY-98-014 Staff Requirements – Revision to Management Directive (MD) 6.1 - Resolution and Follow up of Audit Recommendations 10/14/1998
COMSECY-98-013 Staff Requirements – Evaluation of Rulemaking Proposals Concerning 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests and Experiments) 08/07/1998
COMSECY-98-010 Staff Requirements – Experts Needed for Plant Life Extension Cases 05/05/1998
COMSECY-98-004 Staff Requirements – Combined License Review Process 04/10/1998
COMSECY-98-003 Staff Requirements – FY 1999 Performance Plan 02/20/1988
COMSECY-98-002 Staff Requirements – Request for Starfire Project Approval and Funding 02/23/1998
Commissioner Merrifield's Comments on COMNJD-98-007 and 98-007A – Commission Decision-Making Regarding the Effects of Legal Advice and Litigative Risk on High-Priority Policy Matters 01/29/1999
Staff Requirements – Commission Decision-Making Regarding the Effects of Legal Advice and Litigative Risk on High-Priority Policy Matters 11/18/1998
Chairman Jackson's Comments on COMNJD-98-007 and 98-007A – Commission Decision Making Regarding the Effects of Legal Advice and Litigative Risk on High-Priority Policy Matters 12/18/1998
Sunshine Act Practices 02/24/1999
Clarity of Public Communications 01/14/1999
COMNJD-98-005 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel 08/25/1998
COMNJD-98-004 Clearance Rule - SECY-98-028 07/30/1998
COMEXM-98-004 Staff Requirements – Policy for Granting Enforcement Discretion as a Result of Natural Events 07/28/1998
COMSAJ-98-003 Discussion on Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation 03/04/1999
COMJSM-98-002 Funding for Potassium Iodide Stockpiles 12/21/1998
Commissioner Diaz' Comments on COMJSM-98-002 01/07/1999
COMSAJ-98-002 Staff Requirements – Comments on the 1998 Strategic Plan and Priority Issues for the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste 03/11/1998
Sunshine Act Practices 02/24/1999
Staff Requirements – Annual Fees for Storage of Spent Fuel 03/09/1998


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012