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Premium Rates

Flat premium rates

The per-participant flat premium rate for plan years beginning in 2012 is $35 for single-employer plans and $9 for multiemployer plans.

Variable premium rate

The variable-rate premium for single-employer plans for plan years beginning in 2012 is $9 per $1,000 of unfunded vested benefits. Multiemployer plans do not pay a variable-rate premium, only the flat-rate premium.

Historical information

Premium rates for single-employer and multiemployer plans have increased a number of times since PBGC's establishment in 1974. For most of PBGC's history, premium increases required an act of Congress. However, beginning in 2007, the per-participant flat premium rates are adjusted automatically for inflation based on changes in the national average wage index. The rates for 2007 and later plan years are shown below:

Per Participant Rate for Flat-Rate Premium

Plan years beginning in

Single-Employer Plans

Multiemployer Plans














For a history of the premium rates charged under the single-employer program since 1974, see Table S-39 of the 2010 data tables; for a history of the rates charged under the multiemployer program, see Table M-16 of the 2010 data tables.

Termination premiums

For certain distress or involuntary terminations, a special termination premium must be paid to PBGC for three years. For more information, see Termination Premiums.