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Programs and Data Exchange Systems

BENDEX Exchange and Earnings Record (BEER)

An earnings record requested via the BENDEX system for a client's earnings from the Master Earnings File (MEF). Click on the link for a full list of the BEER record data elements.

Beneficiary & Earnings Data Exchange (BENDEX)

BENDEX is a data exchange by which SSA exchanges Master Beneficiary Records (MBR) and earnings data with the State agencies on a daily basis. Examples of data from the MBR would include benefit rate, payment status or address. Click on the link for a full list of the BENDEX record data elements.

Low-Income Subsidy (LIS)

The LIS data exchange provides the States and Washington DC with specific LIS data as leads for the States to solicit applications for the State Medicare Savings Plan (MSP). Examples of the data include beneficiary and spouse name, address, subsidy decision, resources and income. Click on the link for a full list of the LIS record data elements.

Medicare 1144 (Outreach)

The Medicare 1144 Outreach files go to the States to alert them to the beneficiaries who have received a letter from SSA regarding the Medicare cost sharing program. This file is a list of individuals, the primary number holder and the spouse, who may be eligible for medical assistance. Click on the link for the full list of Medicare 1144 Outreach record data elements.

Prisoner Update Processing System (PUPS)

The Prisoner information contains data reported to SSA and retained on the Prisoner Update Processing System. Examples of the data are confinement date, released date, reporter name and facility name and address. Click on the link for the full list of PUPS record data elements.

Qualifying Quarters

The Qualifying Quarters data shows the minimum and maximum number of quarters of coverage the number holder has on SSA records. It also includes the number of railroad service months and the pattern of the qualifying quarters of coverage. Click on the link for the full list of Qualifying Quarters record data elements.

State Data Exchange (SDX)

Federal policies require States to follow certain guidelines and procedures in the administration of federally funded income and/or health maintenance programs. The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) SDX files provides the States with eligibility, payment and demographic data relating to SSI claimants and recipients. Click on the link for a full list of the SDX record data elements.

State On-line Query/State On-line Query-Internet (SOLQ/SOLQ-I)

Designed specifically for State Human Service agencies, SOLQ/SOLQ-I allows States real-time online access to SSA's Social Security Number (SSN) verification service and, if permitted, retrieval of Title 2 and/or Title 16 data. SOLQ/SOLQ-I enables State social services and other State benefit program personnel to rapidly obtain information they need to qualify individuals for programs. Click on the link for a full list of the SOLQ/SOLQ-I record data elements.

State Verification Exchange System (SVES)

SVES provides States and some federal agencies with a standardized method of Social Security Number (SSN) verification and uniform data response for Title 2 and/or Title 16 data. SSA has five different versions of SVES based on the data request and intended program purposes.

  • SVES I : This batch provides strictly SSN verification
  • SVES I/Citizenship : This batch provides strictly Social Security Number (SSN) verification and citizenship data for SCHIP
  • SVES II:This batch provides strictly SSN verification and Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) benefit information
  • SVES III:This batch provides strictly SSN verification and Supplemental Security Record (SSR)/Special Veterans Benefits (SVB)
  • SVES IV:This batch provides SSN verification, MBR benefit information, and SSR/SVB information, which represents all available SVES data
Click on the link for a full list of the SVES record data elements.

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Last reviewed or modified Tuesday May 15, 2012
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