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  • Submitted on 20 April 2012

    MBDA National Director David A. Hinson
    As Delivered

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Thank you, Congressman Rangel, for that kind introduction. When Charlie Rangel speaks, something inside makes you want to say, Amen. Amen, Congressman, to your concern for those in need of a helping hand. Amen, to your willingness to speak truth to power. Amen, to your willingness to fight on the battlefield of Korea and in the halls of Congress. And on behalf of my generation, I want to thank you for passing a torch that is still lit and I promise you that we will work together to achieve your vision of a greater America.

    It is always joy to share the stage with SBA Administrator Karen Mills. When SBA comes to an event, they come six or seven people deep. This speaks to the awesome power of SBA and the focused and excellent leadership of Karen Mills and Deputy Administrator Marie Johns. I, too, am glad to represent President Barack Obama, Secretary John Bryson and the “One Commerce” team here today. Before I continue I would like to introduce members of our New York team who have joined us today -- MBDA Regional Director Hayward Davenport and Imani Bennett.

  • Submitted on 28 March 2012

    MBDA National Director David A. Hinson
    Tuesday, February 21, 2012


    Thank you Bridget for that kind introduction.  Good morning. On behalf of President Barack Obama and Secretary of Commerce John Bryson, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the opening of our newest MBDA Business Center – The MBDA Federal Procurement Center

    We are fortunate to have several members of congress with us today who have been leaders in supporting job growth through the minority business community….. a community that adds over $1 trillion dollars of economic output to the US Economy and directly and indirectly accounts for over 16 million jobs.

    Please give a warm round of applause for: Congressman Chaka Fatah, from Pennsylvania and Congressman Steve Cohen, from Tennessee.  We may be joined a little later by Congressman Bobby Schilling from Illinois and a good friend of MBDA, Congresswoman Judy Chu from California

  • Submitted on 09 March 2012

    MBDA National Director David A. Hinson
    As Delivered

    On behalf of President Barack Obama and Secretary John Bryson, I am delighted to be here at this the 26th Annual Reservation Economic Summit. I want to thank your leaders, Margo Gray-Proctor and President Davis, the Board of Directors and Tribal leaders for inviting me to speak to you today. NCAIED enjoys a strong relationship with the U.S. Department of Commerce and my Agency, the Minority Business Development Agency, and we look forward to continuing to grow this relationship as we work together to expand the export capability of Indian Country and create new jobs.

    Before I start, I would like to introduce some members of the Department of Commerce.  You’ll be hearing from them on panels and I hope you’ll have a chance to speak with them during the conference.  With us are: Dee Ann Alexander, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce for Native American Affairs; Holden Hoofnagle, Chief for Business Development at MBDA; Salvador Enriquez, who is chief of our West Coast Region; George Mui, Global business consultant; JoAnn Hill our head of MED Week; and Otis Turner, Senior Business Development Specialist out of our San Francisco office.

  • Submitted on 28 February 2012

    David HinsonBoard of Directors Retreat
    San Juan, Puerto Rico
    As Delivered

    I’d like to thank Francis Onwualu, Art Queen, and the board of directors of the National Association of Minority Contractors for inviting me to be with you. It’s always great to see old friends and I hope I’ll have an opportunity to meet those of you I don’t know. Before I get started, I would like to recognize a key member our team – Otis Turner – from our San Francisco office. Otis, please stand.  Otis is outstanding and has helped many of our clients build their businesses.  Before you leave, you need to make sure you meet him and get his business card.  He is a key contact for your company!

    I am delighted to be here on behalf of President Obama and Secretary of Commerce John Bryson. Last month, in his State of the Union address, President Obama spoke about laying the foundation for an Economy Built to Last.  An economy based on fairness, where everyone has a fair chance, does their fair share and plays by the same rules. This is the type of America that I believe all of us want; the type of America that so many of our grandparents and great-grandparents worked for…and in some instances, died for.

  • Submitted on 30 September 2011

    David HinsonWashington, DC
    September 28, 2011
    As Prepared

    Thank you Voice of God for that kind introduction. Welcome to the 29th annual Minority Enterprise Development Week Conference.  On behalf of President Barack Obama and Acting Secretary of Commerce Dr. Rebecca Blank, we are delighted you could join us for this very important event.

    This year in addition to our many guests from across the Nation, we have visitors from Turkey, England, China, and other parts of the world. And, we all come together not just to celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit that exists in this nation and around the world. But we come together to learn about business opportunities in the global marketplace and to network and to build stronger relationships across industry sectors.

  • Submitted on 07 September 2011

    David Hinson Boston, Massachusetts
    August 13, 2011
    As Delivered

    Thank you Janet for that kind introduction.

    I appreciate Janet’s comments on Asian efficiency. I prepared a nice long speech, but right before I came in, I was told that I needed to cut it short by a lot. So, in the spirit of my new found heritage and the efficiency that it brings, I will keep my comments brief.

    I bring you greetings from President Barack Obama, Acting Secretary of Commerce Dr. Rebecca Blank, and an Administration who appreciates the great work you are doing to build leaders of today and tomorrow. When I first learned of the invitation to address you today, I was intrigued by the Conference theme: “The Road to Revolutionary Leadership.” In politics, revolutionary leadership is the type of leadership that is change oriented and has a major and positive impact on society and/or on the human condition.

  • Submitted on 12 August 2011

    David HinsonWhite House Philadelphia Urban Entrepreneurship Forum
    August 8, 2011
    As Delivered

    Thank you for that kind introduction.

    It is always a joy to be in Philadelphia, the home of many of my family members and friends, the home of my Alma mater, University of Pennsylvania, and of course the home of the Philadelphia Eagles.

    I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for football season to start – and I think the Eagles will have something to say this season. I want to thank all the organizations who helped make this White House Urban Entrepreneurship Forum possible – and I want to give a special shout out to Fox School of Business here at Temple University and PECO/Excelon Corp., who graciously agreed to sponsor this luncheon. Thank you!

  • Submitted on 14 July 2011

    David HinsonAlliance of Merger and Acquisition Advisors Third Annual Symposium
    London, England
    May 10-12, 2011
    As Prepared

    Thank you for the kind introduction. I am delighted to be here in London for this very important symposium.

    I bring you greetings from President Barack Obama and Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke who are working hard to insure that all businesses have a chance to Win Their Future through creating a level playing field around the world. I would like to introduce you to our head of business development for the Minority Business Development Agency, Mr. Alex Done’ who has joined me here – Alex please stand. Alex has spent his career as an investment banker on Wall Street and he is currently leading our national effort to support economic expansion of minority-owned firms in the United States through merger, acquisition, joint venturing and strategic partnerships.

  • Submitted on 10 May 2011

    MBDA National Director David Hinson AS DELIVERED
    April 23, 2011

    National Association of Minority Contractors
    Northern California Chapter - 1st Annual Gala
    Claremont, CA

    Good evening!  Thank you for that wonderful introduction. I am honored to speak this evening at the FIRST annual gala of the Northern California chapter of the National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC).  NAMC is a strong ally of the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) in our shared mission to foster the growth and global competitiveness of minority businesses across the nation.

    I would like to thank Mr. Len Turner for inviting me to speak with you this evening, but I would also like to recognize him for the considerable contributions that his company, Turner Construction Group has made to the Northern California economy.  Building a company that has created 462 jobs and employed 54 subcontractors is no easy feat and it is something that should be applauded – so let’s give Len a round of applause! To Mayor Quan, Mayor Lee, County Supervisor Carson, Council member Brooks, Judge Thompson and distinguished guests for over 40 years our goal at MBDA has been to create jobs for all Americans by expanding the U.S.  economy through that sector of our economy called the minority business community.

  • Submitted on 12 April 2011

    MBDA National Director David HinsonAS DELIVERED
    April 4, 2011

    MBDA National Director David Hinson
    Keynote Speech at Hannover Messe International Trade Show
    , Germany

    Good afternoon.   Thank you for that kind introduction. I would like to thank Dr. Wolfram von Fritsch for the invitation to speak before you today. I would also like to thank Marco Seibert and his outstanding team who has gone beyond the call of duty to position Hannover Messe as a “must-attend” global business forum and trade show. And finally, I would like to thank Lawrence Walker from the U.S. embassy in Germany.

    Last year I was unable to attend this event due to flight cancelations across Europe and Lawrence graciously stepped in and did an outstanding job at delivering my comments.

Did you know...

MBDA Minority Business Centers helped clients obtain capital totaling $4.76 billion during the last 5 fiscal years.
Graph for Dollar Value of Capital

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