United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Disposition of Public Comments and Technical Bases for Changes in the License Renewal Guidance Documents NUREG-1801 and NUREG-1800 (NUREG-1950)

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Manuscript Completed:  April 2011
Date Published: April 2011

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Washington, DC 20555-0001

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This document is a knowledge management and knowledge transfer document associated with Revision 2 of NUREG-1801, “Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report,” and Revision 2 to NUREG-1800, “Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants.” This document updates and combines NUREG-1832, “Analysis of Public Comments on the Revised License Renewal Guidance Documents,” and NUREG-1833, “Technical Bases for Revision to the License Renewal Guidance Documents,” (both published in 2005) into a single document. The NRC has decided to combine these two documents because their subject matter is so closely related that there was considerable redundancy when they were two separate documents.

This document fulfills two purposes. Firstly, the technical changes that were made when revising the guidance contained in NUREG-1801 are captured in this document, along with the technical basis for the changes. Changes to NUREG-1800, many of which derive from the changes to NUREG-1801, are also discussed in this document. Consequently, this document provides the underlying rationale that the NRC used to develop the current revisions to these guidance documents.

Secondly, this document contains the NRC staff’s analysis of the public comments received on the Revision 2 drafts of NUREG-1801 and NUREG-1800. Public comment drafts of the GALL Report and the Standard Review Plan for License Renewal (SRP-LR) were published on May 14, 2010, with the public comment period expiring on July 2, 2010. The disposition of comments that were accepted by the NRC staff and used as the basis for instituting a change to either the GALL Report or the SRP-LR are detailed in this document. In addition, the public comments that did not result in a change to either NUREG are also dispositioned, and a technical basis for the staff’s disagreement with these comments is presented.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012