United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Design Control in Pursuit of Engineering Excellence: A Quick Reference Guide for NRC Inspectors (NUREG-1913)

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Publication Information

Date Published: August 2009

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Availability Notice


Knowledge management and transfer have become increasingly important as the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission seeks to share the vast inspection knowledge of its experienced inspectors with those who have recently joined the agency. This booklet should serve as an inspection reference to further increase the understanding by, and development of, NRC inspectors who perform inspections in the areas covered by this booklet.

The contents of this design control quick reference booklet resulted from a collaboration of all four regional offices in support of the agency’s focus on knowledge transfer, with staff from various other NRC offices providing valuable comments and suggestions. The principal and contributing authors of this booklet are listed below.

Julio Lara, P.E., Region III
Jennifer Tifft, Region I
Frank Arner, Region I
Randy Moore, Region II
George Replogle, Region IV

Note that the guidance contained in this booklet is not intended to be all inclusive but rather to supplement existing inspection procedures, to heighten inspectors’ awareness, and further enhance the effectiveness of engineering inspections. The various inspection manual chapters and other regulatory documents discussed herein, provide the official agency inspection policies and guidance.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012