Survey 2012

Blue Star Families 2012 Military Family Lifestyle Survey Summary GraphicFor the 2012 survey, more than 4,000 military families weighed in on everything from pay and benefits to spouse employment and social media to OPTEMPO, Post Traumatic Stress, TBI and suicide. The results were released in a joint session of the Senate and House Military Family caucuses with a panel of experts, including Mrs. Deanie Dempsey, wife of General Martin Dempsey; Dr. Meg Harrell from Center for New American Security, Rich Morin from Pew Charitable Trusts; Dr. Mary Keller, executive director of Military Child Education Coalition; and Dr. Vivian Greentree, Director of Research and Policy for Blue Star Families.

For information on the survey, contact Dr. Greentree at

For press inquiries, please contact Stephanie Himel-Nelson at

Blue Star Families 2012 Military Family Lifestyle Survey Comprehensive Report (click to download)

2012 Military Family Lifestyle Survey PowerPoint Presentation (click to download)

2012 Military Family Lifestyle Survey One Pager (click to download)

Past Surveys

Read the Military Family Lifestyle Survey 2010 Executive Summary

Read the Full 2010 Report

Read the 2009 Military Family Lifestyle Survey Results