
Speeches by former administrators and deputy administrators from the NASA History Office.

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Deputy Administrator Garver's Speeches

  • Remarks from Deputy Administrator Garver for NASA Cyber Security Awareness Month Symposium

    10.03.12 - NASA is pleased to join the entire federal interagency family in participating in the 2012 National Cyber Security Awareness Month. It is a time when all Americans are encouraged to spread awareness about the impact that cybersecurity has on our lives.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Garver at the Maryland Space Business Roundtable Luncheon

    09.25.12 - NASA and Maryland are ushering in this new era of American space exploration together.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Garver at AIAA 2012 Space Conference

    09.11.12 - As the world’s largest professional society devoted to the progress of engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense, you have not only served the goals of NASA and our nation, you have benefitted all humankind.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Garver at National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

    07.09.12 - Today we join together to provide a forum for public discussion on the President’s recently announced initiative, the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, also known as the NNMI.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Garver at the EFT-1 Orion Arrival at the Kennedy Space Center

    07.02.12 - Today, the [Space Flight Awareness] Program continues to serve as one of NASA’s best incentives for recognizing exemplary achievements in quality control, safety awareness, and mission success.

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  • Remarks of Deputy Administrator Garver at Girl Scouts Rock@NASA

    06.08.12 - I would like to congratulate the Girl Scouts for working to make a difference in the lives of girls for 100 years. I was a Girl Scout. And there is no question that being a scout shaped me and taught me things that continue to help me in my job today.

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  • Remarks of Deputy Administrator Garver at Women in Aerospace 2012

    06.01.12 - You all are extremely important to our successfully “Leading the Way” in the future, so with all of your involvement, I believe it will truly be a bright future.

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  • Remarks of Deputy Administrator Garver at AIAA Shuttle Tribute, May 9, 2012

    05.09.12 - While rocket scientists like to recite the specifics of the power and thrust of this out of this world spaceship -- I like to focus on what these amazing vehicles allowed us to achieve.

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  • Lori B. Garver, NASA Deputy Administrator, NSSC Quarterly Meeting, May 2, 2012

    05.02.12 - I continue to be impressed with the teamwork, dedication and drive for excellence and innovation that is the hallmark of the NSSC.

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  • Remarks of Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver, Arrival of Space Shuttle Enterprise in New York City

    04.27.12 - Hello, New York. It's absolutely wonderful to be here as we give you the Space Shuttle Enterprise.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the National Space Symposium Panel: "The Imperative of Global Collaboration"

    04.19.12 - Currently on the International Space Station, where we have had a constant human presence for 11 years, performing 1,200 science experiments from 59 countries, demonstrating how 15 nations can work together productively on a project of enormous scope.

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  • Remarks for NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the Shuttle Discovery Arrival

    04.17.12 - I want to thank the Washington Metropolitan Airports Authority for hosting us this morning and making arrangements for NASA to fly our Shuttle Carrier Aircraft and the space shuttle Discovery into the D.C. area today. This is an example of great government cooperation.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the Space Generation Fusion Forum

    04.15.12 - Our future will soon be in your hands and I’m here to outline what a bright future I believe it will be – especially with all of your involvement.

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  • Remarks of Deputy Administrator Garver at Women's Empowerment and Education Event, March 14, 2012

    03.14.12 - When I started at NASA, I really made it a point not to be seen as just the woman deputy of NASA; that, in fact, I wanted to be taken seriously. I am not an expert in women's issues. I am a space policy person.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at Women at NASA's Women, Innovation and Aerospace Event

    03.08.12 - Throughout the day we’ll highlight and celebrate the strides we have made, while acknowledging how far we still have to go.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the NASA Future Forum

    02.21.12 - Today, we are here at a Future Forum, right? We are going to talk about how we've built on this incredible 50-year experience and what we plan to do going forward.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight

    10.20.11 - it is NASA’s Vision to reach for new heights and reveal the unknown, so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the SOFIA Joining Forces Event

    09.22.11 - It is fitting that SOFIA means “wisdom” in Greek. That’s really the purpose of this magnificent observatory – to expand our wisdom of the universe and of ourselves.

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  • Lori Garver, NASA Deputy Administrator Introduction of Frank Culbertson. NASA Remembers: The 10th Anniversary of 9/11

    09.13.11 - What an honor to introduce the only American who was not on Earth on Sept. 11, 2001 is here to speak to us today. While Frank bore witness to the tragedy, NASA responded in many ways and we continue to pay tribute.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the Space Shuttle Tribute Reception

    09.07.11 - The shuttle advanced our knowledge of our universe, connected the world through global communications, showed us that we could service satellites on orbit and made possible the construction of the International Space Station.

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  • Lori Garver, NASA Deputy Administrator, Stennis Space Center Ammunition Plant Transfer, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi

    08.04.11 - I want to begin by saying happy birthday to the entire Stennis Space Center family. This year marks this Center’s 50th anniversary of indispensable service to America’s space program. Thank you all for a job well done.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the Glenn Research Center Honor Awards

    07.14.11 - Today we honor the men and women who have made a very real difference in this past year, and as always, NASA has done great things.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the GWU Elliott School of International Affairs

    05.13.11 - It is hard for any of us to know at this point in time, how your experiences and what you learned at the Elliott School will impact the rest of your lives. But if my experience is any indication, you have undoubtedly already laid the foundation for multiple, as yet unseen careers, developed critical relationships with mentors and made a few life-long friendships.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the National Space Symposium

    04.12.11 - We in aerospace and NASA are not the only ones who think about “space.” Architects and interior designers, for example, refer to room as “spaces.”...They will talk about the space. Space to them, is an area of opportunity. A place that can be filled with the things they can imagine – Space is opportunity.

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    › National Programs International Collaboration NASA: The Odyssey (5.12 MB PDF Slideshow As Presented)
  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the 6th Annual Ilan Ramon International Space Conference

    01.30.11 - The important research that Ilan Ramon and the crew conducted on the STS-107 mission continues, including Earth observation, biological research and zero g combustion physics.

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  • Remarks by Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at Random Hacks of Kindness

    12.15.10 - When I re-joined NASA last year as deputy administrator, I soon became aware of Random Hacks of Kindness. It immediately appealed to me as the type of thing that NASA should be involved in.

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  • Remarks by Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at TEDxMidtownNY

    09.14.10 - The message of exploration that was woven through especially both of the space talks is one that really just resonates for me and for NASA.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the University of Nebraska College of Law Civil Space Keynote

    09.10.10 - NASA is proud to be an integral part of President Obama's National Space Policy announced in June. Space is the cornerstone of a new national focus on research and development.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the AIAA Luncheon

    08.31.10 - The topic I was asked to speak on today was Space: The Next 50 Years. Assessing where we will be in 50 years is quite a challenge. As renowned physicist Niels Bohr said, "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the 4th Annual U.S. Space and Rocket Center Hall of Fame Ceremony and Dinner

    08.20.10 - I was a child of the Space Race, no doubt about it, and am still amazed and thrilled that we now live in a time when our former competitors are our partners. The question is no longer whether or not to explore, it is how best to explore.

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  • Remarks of Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the Pratt Whitney Women's Forum

    05.27.10 - It would be really nice when the day comes when it’s nothing special to be an astronaut or an aerospace professional and also happen to be a woman.

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  • Remarks for Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the National Aeronautic Association, Robert J. Collier Trophy

    05.13.10 - I noted that the criteria for the award concludes with the phrase, "the value of which has been thoroughly demonstrated by actual use during the preceding year"… for me, that is the ISS's true contribution to humanity.

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  • Remarks by Deputy Administrator Lori Garver International Institute of Space Law/International Academy of Astronautics: 'Space Law and Policy'

    05.11.10 - It's a great honor to be here and to share with you a few thoughts about the transformative new space initiative that President Obama has given NASA.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the Center for Strategic and International Studies

    04.26.10 - The President's strategy will allow NASA to create a more exciting and productive space exploration future for our nation than it has today.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at American Astronautical Society, 48th Robert H. Goddard Memorial Symposium

    03.10.10 - You will hear the ways that NASA can contribute to this nation, and how we hope to transform ourselves from an agency that often has done missions somewhat in isolation of what is going on in the Nation to an agency that is focusing our activities on bettering the future for our country and for the world.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at Women In Aerospace Breakfast

    03.04.10 - I believe that the budget for NASA, proposed by President Obama for 2011 will help us reach not only that goal of having many more women working in our field, but will help us reach many other goals as well.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the American Bar Association Forum on Air and Space Law

    01.27.10 - It is NASA’s legal framework, the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, that created NASA, and it is this Act that enables us to accomplish all the wonderful things we have done over the past 51 years.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at 'NASA at Kids Week' Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York City

    02.21.10 - This time, we are here to celebrate Kids…and of course your parents and grandparents! I thought I would share a bit of my journey and then show you really cool things on NASA sites that you can explore yourselves.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the NASA Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference

    02.18.10 - It is my privilege to talk to you about the very exciting time we are having at NASA. President Obama has provided a $6-billion increase for NASA over the next 5 years.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver at the 13th Annual FAA AST Space Transportation Conference

    02.11.10 - Days after release of the President's 2011 budget, I am excited to continue to share to share with you more information about our nation’s bold new direction for human space flight. We plan to transform our relationship with the private sector as part of our Nation’s new strategy with the ultimate goal of expanding human presence across the solar system.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the Office of Science and Technology Policy Research and Development Budget Announcement

    02.01.10 - Today, I am proud to be here representing the men and women of NASA, to discuss our R & D budget for fiscal year 2011. Administrator Bolden has already provided a broad outline of our overall budget ... I am pleased to be able to focus here on our R and D programs.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum

    11.21.09 - The USS Intrepid and NASA share a rich history. Some of you may know that as a recovery vessel for NASA, she recovered Mercury astronaut - Scott Carpenter and his Aurora 7 capsule (May 24, 1962).

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  • NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the AIAA National Capital Section

    10.30.09 - We are doing many things to engage the public, but we can do better.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the 20th Anniversary Teaming to Win Celebration

    10.16.09 - Space leadership is not just an idea for inside the Beltway, but is achieved by thousands of us all across America in places like Fairmont, each one an element that makes up our economic strength.

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  • Remarks by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Space 2009 Conference and Exposition

    09.16.09 - Exploration and discovery have values of their own as NASA has proven for over 50 years. My professional experience has been primarily in the area of human space flight and I truly believe in NASA's ability to inspire and lift the nation and the world in the future.

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  • Statement of Lori B. Garver Before the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, United States Senate

    07.08.09 - I am honored to appear before you today as President Obama’s nominee for the position of Deputy Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA.

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