School Safety & Crisis

NASP has made these resources available to the public in order to promote the ability of children and youth to cope with traumatic or unsettling events. You may use all or any portion of the school safety and crisis documents on this webpage solely for educational, non-commercial use, provided you do not remove any trademark, copyright or other notice contained in such document. Additionally, the integrity of the content must be maintained and NASP must be given proper credit. No other use is permitted unless otherwise expressly permitted by NASP.

  • War & Terrorism

    Scenes of war and violence around the world played out on the news can have a negative impact on all children—particularly those who have suffered personal loss from or been exposed firsthand to terrorist or military actions, and those whose parents are members of the military, active duty reservists, law enforcement, or emergency response. … more

  • Preventing Youth Suicide

    Youth suicide is a serious problem, but is preventable if the right people know the warning signs and how to get help. … more

  • Threat Assessment at School

    Threat assessment represents an important component of a comprehensive approach to school safety that gives schools an alternative to zero tolerance discipline policies that have proven to be ineffective and counterproductive. … more

  • Addressing Grief

    School-based support and increased understanding are essential when a student experiences the death of a friend or loved one. While each student will be affected differently depending on his or her developmental level, cultural beliefs, personal characteristics, family situation, and previous experiences. … more

  • Trauma

    Trauma is a serious problem that can increase the risk for psychological, behavioral or emotional problems (depression or PTSD), substance abuse, low occupational attainment or academic failure, social maladjustment and poor medical health. … more

  • Care for Caregivers

    Parents, teachers, and other caregivers play a critical role in helping children cope with crises. It is extremely important, however, for caregivers to monitor their own reactions and take care of their own needs as failure to do so can result in stress and burnout. … more

  • Reunification

    During and after a crisis, schools are accountable for maintaining the chain of custody for every student, and reunification also helps with the reestablishment of social support systems. … more

  • School Violence Prevention

    All schools work to prevent school violence and schools are very safe places. Students, staff, and parents all have an important role in promoting school safety. … more

  • Bullying Prevention

    Bullying is an unacceptable behavior that adults and students have a responsibility to stop. Schools must have clear and comprehensive prevention practices and policies that address all forms of bullying and harassment. … more

  • Media & Crisis

    While the media can play an important role in providing information about how children are coping, it can also cause real harm if its focus magnifies painful, disturbing details, people’s loss and suffering, or the possibility of future or ongoing threats. … more

  • Social Media and School Crises

  • Natural Disaster

  • Conducting Crisis Exercises & Drills: Guidelines for Schools

    It is essential that all schools be prepared to respond to emergency situations as part of their school safety and crisis planning and preparation. … more

  • A Framework for Safe and Successful Schools

    Evidence-based policies and practices for improving school safety and increasing access to mental health supports for children and youth. … more

  • Best Practice Considerations for Schools in Active Shooter and Other Armed Assailant Drills

    This document provides guidance on the important factors schools must take into account when considering and conducting armed assailant drills. … more

  • Become a Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Volunteer

    The Red Cross has been providing shelter, feeding, health and mental health support to thousands affected by the floods in the Gulf States. Many more DMH workers are needed to support clients and responders who continue to struggle to cope with significant losses. … more

  • Direct Crisis Support

    NASP offers consultation and support to schools and districts in the aftermath of a crisis. Learn what direct support is available, and who to contact. … more

Related Resources

School Crisis Prevention and Intervention: The PREPaRE Model, Second Edition
The new edition of this book is now available! This is an excellent complement to the PREPaRE workshops or as a standalone resource for school support staff who have not taken training. If you are a PREPaRE trainer, please call 866-331-6277 ext. 850 to get your trainer code before ordering the book.

Helping Children Cope With Terrorism: Tips for Parents & Educators
Share this handout with parents and teachers with information on how to help children feel safe and secure in the face of fears surrounding current events.

Promoting Compassiong & Acceptance in Crisis
Adults can help children understand the importance of treating all people with dignity and not judging entire groups of people for the actions of a few.

Policy Priorities

School psychologists are uniquely positioned to advocate for evidence-based initiatives at the local, state, and federal levels, which create safe and supportive learning environments that naturally prevent violence and ensure that students have access to the supports they need to be successful both inside and outside of the classroom.