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America's Media Makers: Development Grants

Division of Public Programs

Receipt Deadline January 9, 2013 for Projects Beginning August 2013

Brief Summary

America’s Media Makers (AMM) grants support the following formats:

  • interactive digital media;
  • film and television projects; and
  • radio projects.

Interactive digital media may be websites, games, mobile applications, virtual environments, streaming video, or podcasts.

Film and television projects may be single programs that address or a series that addresses significant figures, events, or developments and draw their content from humanities scholarship. They must be intended for national distribution.

Radio projects may involve single programs, limited series, or segments within an ongoing program vehicle. They may also develop new humanities content to augment existing radio programming or add greater historical background or humanities analysis to the subjects of existing programs. They may be intended for regional or national distribution.

NEH encourages projects that feature multiple formats to engage the public in the exploration of humanities ideas. Proposed projects might include complementary components that expand or deepen the audience’s understanding of a subject: for example, museum exhibitions, book/film discussion programs, or other formats that enhance the programs’ humanities content, engage audiences in new ways, and expand the distribution of programs.

Grant Categories

Development grants enable media producers to collaborate with scholars to develop humanities content and to prepare programs for production. Grants should result in a script or a design document and should also yield a detailed plan for outreach and public engagement in collaboration with a partner organization or organizations.

Program Statistics

In the last five competitions the America's Media Makers: Development Grants program received an average of 51 applications. The program made an average of three grants per competition, for a funding ratio of 5 percent.

The number of applications to an NEH grant program can vary widely from competition to competition, as can the funding ratio. Information about the average number of applications and awards in recent competitions is meant only to provide historical context for the current competition. Information on the number of applications and awards in individual competitions is available from


Contact the staff of NEH’s Division of Public Programs at 202-606-8269 and Hearing-impaired applicants can contact NEH via TDD at 1-866-372-2930.