Her Royal Highness, Princess Anne, The Princess Royal and Col. Brian Kelly, 501st Combat Support Wing commander, pause for a moment of silence to honor the American servicemen

GREENHAM COMMON, United Kingdom – Her Royal Highness, Princess Anne, The Princess Royal and Col. Brian Kelly, 501st Combat Support Wing commander, pause for a moment of silence to honor the American servicemen who were based locally and lost their lives during World War II. Her Royal Highness dedicated three memorial stones for U.S. Visiting Forces at the Greenham Business Park in Greenham Common, United Kingdom, Sept. 21. The three-part memorial is in remembrance of 16 service members killed when two B-17 Flying Fortresses collided above Greenham Common Dec. 15, 1944; 33 Airmen who died just three days earlier when their Horsa Glider crashed on takeoff at the base; and American servicemen who were based locally and lost their lives during World War II. View at highest resolution (2700 by 466 pixels)

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GREENHAM COMMON, United Kingdom – Her Royal Highness, Princess Anne, The Princess Royal and Col. Brian Kelly, 501st Combat Support Wing commander, pause for a moment of silence to honor the American servicemen who were based locally and lost their lives during World War II. Her Royal Highness dedicated three memorial stones for U.S. Visiting Forces at the Greenham Business Park in Greenham Common, United Kingdom, Sept. 21. The three-part memorial is in remembrance of 16 service members killed when two B-17 Flying Fortresses collided above Greenham Common Dec. 15, 1944; 33 Airmen who died just three days earlier when their Horsa Glider crashed on takeoff at the base; and American servicemen who were based locally and lost their lives during World War II.

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