AKFIN Website Launch-1 PTAGIS Beta Website Launch-2 PSMFC Compact-3 First Annual Meeting-4 Men With Fish-5 Fish All Around Boat-6 Twenty-third Annual Meeting-7 Men Working with Nets-8 Halibut Caught in Net-9 Fiftieth Annual Meeting-10 Mending Net-11 The Aggressor-12 Sixtieth Annual Meeting-13
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Visit www.akfin.org to explore the newly designed Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN) website, launched December of 2012.

Visit beta.ptagis.org to explore the newly designed PIT Tag Information System (PTAGIS) beta website, launched October of 2012. We'd love your feedback!

The 1st Annual Meeting of the Commission held in Aprill 1948 in San Francisco, CA.

The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Commission in Palo Alto, CA.

The 50th PSMFC Annual Meeting held in 1997 in La Jolla, CA.

The 60th PSMFC Annual Meeting held in 2007, San Diego, CA.

  • MissionMissionMission

    As stated by the governing compact, PSMFC's purpose shall be “to promote the better utilization of fisheries – marine, shell, and anadromous, which are of mutual concern, and to develop a joint program of protection and prevention of physical waste of such fisheries in all of those areas of the Pacific Ocean over which the compacting states jointly or separately now have or may hereafter acquire jurisdiction.”

  • ProgramsProgramsPrograms

    PSMFC supports fisheries conservation, development, management, and legislation. To accomplish this, we maintain several programs that focus on scientific, inventory and economic research and data collections, consolidation and distribution. These programs primarily provide information for those with scientific or economic interests in the field, but also aim to provide educational materials for the general public related to their areas of focus.

  • CareersCareersCareers

    How can you help promote the better utilization of fisheries on the West coast? Join our team of dedicated professionals. Visit our Career Center to explore the opportunities, create a profile, apply for jobs, and design a job agent to receive notifications when new positions that meet your interests and expertise are posted.