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Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC-IMD)


Lieutenant General Richard P. Formica

Integrated Missile Defense Seal
The headquarters is located in the Missile Defense Integration-Operations Center at Schriever Air Force Base, Colo.
  • The BMDS is operational to defend against all ranges of ballistic missile threats
  • The command's location allows JFCC IMD to leverage the existing infrastructure and its strong partnerships to execute IMD planning and operational support responsibilities
  • This modern defense network is expanding to include radars and other sensors that feed information from the air, land, sea, and space environments to battle management centers that can direct interceptors to targets
  • The JFCC IMD began operations in February 2005


The Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense supports U.S. Strategic Command's Unified Command Plan missions for synchronizing operational-level planning and global missile defense operations support.

JFCC IMD is responsible for supporting the development of global effects for the Department of Defense and, when directed, provides alternate missile defense execution support.

JFCC IMD also integrates and synchronizes United States missile defense systems and operations, synchronizes theater missile defense plans into the overall global missile defense campaign, and conducts dayto- day operations and coordinates activities with associated combatant commands, other USSTRATCOM JFCCs, and the efforts of the Missile Defense Agency.

USSTRATCOM Mission Areas

USSTRATCOM has assigned each of the five established JFCCs with a specific aspect of its primary mission areas.

The JFCCs were formed to further operationalize USSTRATCOM missions and allow USSTRATCOM headquarters to focus on strategic-level integration and advocacy.

USSTRATCOM is one of 10 unified commands under the Department of Defense. Its mission is to deter attacks on U.S. vital interests and to ensure U.S. freedom of action in space and cyberspace through a global integrated missile defense operations network.


  • Provide the USSTRATCOM commander with situational awareness of Ballistic Missile Defense System development and integration activities and BMDS readiness
  • Support USSTRATCOM headquarters planning, programming, budgeting and execution activities as required, to include advocacy and identification of current and future operational missile defense requirements of the other combatant commanders
  • Provide planning, coordination, configuration control, and operational oversight of the BMDS communication network
  • Provide operational oversight of the Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications System (C2BMC)
  • Develop course of action recommendations to optimize global integrated missile defense operations, address operational resource conflicts, as well as potential operational seams and vulnerabilities, and minimize operational risk for missile defense capabilities
  • Coordinate and maintain intelligence to support missile defense components
  • Coordinate BMDS development and operational activity through the asset management process in conjunction with other applicable commands and organizations
  • Integrate emergent BMD capabilities into the operational architecture
  • When directed, provide alternate missile defense execution support

Current as of December 2011

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