Contact Information

Human Resources Officer: 678-364-8009

Classification: 678-364-8027

Employee/Labor Relations: 678-364-8009

Staffing & Recruitment: 678-364-8027

District Customer Service Branch Teams 

North Carolina:
NY/VA//Puerto Rico:

Related Links

DoDEA HR Regional Service Center

Standardized Position Descriptions

DDESS Salary Schedules

Regulations, Instructions, & Policy Memorandums

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Employment Verification


DDESS Human Resources Division

The Human Resources (HR) Division is committed to providing quality Human Resources services, advice, and responsive customer service to DDESS schools. The focus of the HRO mission is our customers - the military and civilian families that attend and support DDESS schools, the many employees that are dedicated to providing the quality, progressive education that DDESS is known for, and ultimately our most important customers - the children.

The DDESS Human Resources Office provides support to our customers in the following areas.

  • Employment (Recruitment and Placement)
  • Classification and Compensation
  • Federal Employee Benefits
  • Employee Training and Development
    Career development for civilian employees is one tool used to develop skills, enhance productivity/quality of work, and improve employee morale. Supervisors working together with employees generally guide the employees in the area of career development by establishing individualized training plans to strengthen an employee's skills or to teach new skills.
  • Workers Compensation
    The Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA), 5 USC 8101 et seq., provides compensation benefits to Federal civilian employees for work-related injuries or illnesses, and to their surviving dependents if a work-related injury or illness results in the employee's death. It is the exclusive remedy for Federal employees for work-related injuries or death. The law is non-adversarial in nature and remedial in intent.
  • Labor Relations
    Management and the unions that represent Federal workers work together cooperatively to enhance effectiveness and efficiency, cut down the number of employment-related disputes, and to improve working conditions. All of which contribute to the kind of performance and results that ensure the success of the DDESS mission of providing a quality progressive education to the children of military and civilians assigned within our school districts.
  • Employee Relations
    Providing DDESS employees assistance with such issues as, performance management, awards, and leave administration.