New York Soldiers represent U.S. military at workshop in S. Africa

New York National Guard report

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Army Col. Craig Meinking, a member of the New York Army National Guard, explains New York Army National Guard health-check procedures to South African Maj. Gen. Roy Andersen (center) and other South African National Defense Force Reserves officers during a Dec. 1, 2010 visit in Latham, N.Y. (New York Army National Guard photo)
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LATHAM, N.Y. (2/15/12) – The New York National Guard's top officer is visiting South Africa this week to take part in a workshop being hosted by Maj. Gen. Roy Andersen, the chief of South African National Defense Force Reserves.

Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Murphy, the adjutant general of the New York National Guard, and Army Brig. Gen. Renwick Payne, the director of joint staff for the New York National Guard, will represent the United States military at the event in Pretoria, South Africa.

The two New York National Guard officers were invited to attend by the South Africans because of the New York National Guard's experience in responding to domestic emergencies, augmenting federal, state and local enforcement agencies dealing with homeland security issues, and providing forces for combat duties overseas when necessary.

Since 2003, South Africa has been a partner nation with the New York National Guard through the National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership Program.

"We're happy to provide any information and assistance we can to our partners in the South African Reserve forces," Murphy said. "Through the National Guard's State Partnership Program the New York National Guard has had a vital and energetic relationship with the South African military since 2003 that is beneficial to both our countries."

In December 2010, the New York National Guard hosted Andersen and his staff to a three-day visit in which the South African reservists learned about how the National Guard operates and visited Stratton Air National Guard Base in Scotia.

The New York National Guard has also sent National Guard officers, soldiers and airmen to South Africa on training exchanges, to participate in military skills competitions, and taken part in South African air shows with both Army and Air National Guard aircraft.

The National Guard's State Partnership Program matches the 54 state and territorial National Guards with military forces from around the world, and works to develop partnerships which enhance international security and build capacity in military, socio-political and economic conduits at the local, state and national level.

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