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Children are on the Move in DeCA

by DoD DeCA November 30, 2010

Children cheeringChildhood obesity in America has reached epidemic proportions, with the number of overweight children doubling over the past two decades. The Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) is championing the fight against childhood obesity with supporting the “Let’s Move!” campaign through promoting physical activity for children and healthy food choices.  We have taken the quest to market and educate DeCA’s military audience to commissaries, publications and even to social networking sites, holding healthy food and physical activity demonstrations, writing about the positive effects making healthy choices can bring, and “tweeting” with commissary patrons about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Two of DeCA’s most recent health and wellness events took place at military installations in Virginia. 5-year-olds from the installation child development center learned how to make fresh fruit shish kabobs and vegetable cornucopias using whole-grain tortillas, while commissary employees teamed up with the Morale, Welfare and Recreation Center to treat the children to a morning of fun-filled exercises. These events encourage children at an early age so they know how to make healthy choices throughout their lives. By working with the children, the community and the families to learn to make healthy choices, they’re more likely to continue these good habits as they get older. Eating healthy and exercising are both important aspects in winning the battle against childhood obesity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The fight against childhood obesity involves the community supporting the families and providing educations as well as interventions that help support the things they do at home. At the same time, we are able to teach adults to be healthier through these interactive events.

What are some things you are doing to help encourage children to be active in your community?




Creative programming | Events


12/1/2010 6:39:53 PM #

First, this is a great blog!  
Well, to address the question, in my spare time, I mentor young figure skaters regarding sports nutrition and skating tips(e.g. jumps, spins, etc.).
In closing, this is a wonderful resource!

Agnes United States | Reply

12/8/2010 8:52:20 PM #

great stuff! Thanks for keeping it up (Link Removed)

Kristina KlemPay United States | Reply

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