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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Information Center

Update Oct. 31, 2011 — Some of the credits and other provisions described on this page, which were to change or expire at the end of 2010, were extended by the Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2010. Additional updated information is noted, where applicable, on the web pages relating to these specific credits and other provisions.

Update July 6, 2010 — For those claiming the homebuyer credit, the deadline for closing (going to settlement) on home purchases was extended from June 30 to Sept. 30, 2010. 

Información en Español

Information for Individuals

Can you benefit from Recovery Act tax credits? Try the White House Tax Savings Tool to find out.

 Many of the Recovery Act provisions are geared toward individuals:

Information for Businesses

The following Recovery Act provisions affect businesses:

 Related Items:

For information on the Administration's broader economic recovery program, visit


Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 21-Aug-2012