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The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are the most sustained combat operations since the Vietnam War, and initial signs imply that these ongoing wars are likely to produce a new generation of veterans with chronic mental health problems associated with participation in combat. Many of the challenges facing the soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq are stressors that have been identified and studied in veterans of previous wars (e.g., fear for own life, participation in killing). However, these new wars also present challenges that impact the mental health problems facing the Warrior, this section is specifically designed to guide them.
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Expand/Collapse Authoritative Sources ‎(1)
Expand/Collapse Benefits Available to the Soldier and Family ‎(3)
Expand/Collapse Child Traumatic Stress (CTS) ‎(1)
Expand/Collapse Family ‎(1)
Expand/Collapse Frequently Asked Questions ‎(2)
Expand/Collapse Getting Treatment for Soldiers ‎(13)
Expand/Collapse Myths about PTSD ‎(2)
Expand/Collapse Preventive/Proactive Information ‎(13)
Expand/Collapse PTSD definitions, signs and symptoms ‎(7)
Expand/Collapse Resources ‎(1)
Expand/Collapse Suicide and other Crisis Situations ‎(1)
Expand/Collapse Support for Families, Children and Parents ‎(9)