Cultural and Natural Resources Protection Laws

General Information

Key Laws That Trigger Consultation (PPTX)

This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of laws that elicit the use of consultation.

Section 106 Consultations under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) (PDF)

This worksheet provides basic guidelines for consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) with a focus upon consultations with Native Americans.

Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Traditional Cultural Properties (PDF)

This report, developed by the U.S. Department of the Interior and The National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers, is intended to be an aid in determining whether properties thought or alleged to have traditional cultural significance are eligible for inclusion in the National Register.

Government Agency Tribal Relations:  Questions of Federal Recognition, Constitutionality and Fiduciary Relationships (PDF)

Government Agency Tribal Relations:  Questions of Federal Recognition, Constitutionality and Fiduciary Relationships

Major Laws and Policies Dealing With Environmental and Cultural Resources Protection/Impacts on DoD Activities (PDF)

This worksheet highlights regulatory authorities and consultation obligations between federal agencies and tribal nations.

Trust Responsibility and Consultation Matrix (PDF)

This worksheet, prepared by the OSD Office of Counsel, depicts the relationship of trust responsibilities and scenarios where they typically apply.

After the Smoke Clears: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Assessing the Effect of Wildland Fires on Traditional Cultural Properties (PDF)

This report discusses the development and guidelines for assessing fire damage to identified Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) and develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for military installations to follow before, during, and after TCPs have been impacted by fires.

Non-Invasive Burial Determination Using Near Surface Geophysical Survey and Soil Chemical Testing at Fort Hood, Texas and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina (PDF)

This factsheet helps establish a methodology for geophysical testing and chemical sampling with sufficient accuracy to determine if burial or other archeological materials are not present.

Recognizing Tribal Sovereignty and Cultural Traditions

Working to Fulfill Federal Trust Responsibilities

Protecting Natural and Cultural Resources

Consulting with Tribal Nations

Last Modified: 28 February 2011 at 13:29