United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Impacts of Lack of Disposal Access to Beneficial uses of Radioactive Materials

On April 17, 2009 the Commission held a briefing on various aspects of Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLW) management. Stakeholders raised a number of concerns regarding the impact that the lack of disposal options was having on the scientific and research communities. On May 1, 2009, the Commission issued a Staff Requirements Memorandum (M090417) directing the staff to work with stakeholders in order to identify specific examples of medical and academic research involving the use of radioactive sources that have been adversely impacted by the lack of LLW disposal access.

During the process of information gathering, other impacts of lack of LLRW disposal access on beneficial uses of radioactive material were identified and this was a continually evolving topic area on which a broader spectrum of stakeholders may have interest and input. For this reason, NRC staff has established this website in order to facilitate access to information collected as a result of the information gathering effort to respond to the Commission requirement. Results of the information gathering to date can be found in SECY-09-0188.

The site also provides links to relevant external sites that may be accessed to further inform the topic. NRC also invites continued input by stakeholders that may be shared between and among stakeholders in a public forum. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide additional information related to adverse impacts of lack of LLRW disposal access on medical and academic research using radioactive material as well as the broader topic of adverse impacts on the beneficial use of radioactive material in general. Please submit relevant information or comments by emailing NRC at llrwimpactsresearch@nrc.gov.

Public Interest Information

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012