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Welcome to our JET Airmen website! 

As the nature of warfare has changed, so too has the way the Air Force supports the joint fight.  These days there are various sorts of deployments which require vastly different preparations.  We cover two types of deployments on this website.  You'll find extensive information about the JET program which provides highly skilled and educated Airmen to the U.S. Army commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan.  You'll also see some information about the Individual Augmentee program scattered throughout.  

Be sure to check out the LIBRARY and UNITS tabs.  If you can't find what you're looking for, try the QUESTIONS tab or use the CONTACT US option at the bottom of each page.  You can also use the CONTACT US link to send feedback or suggestions for this site. 

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tabJET Airmen News RSS feed 
AEF Online

NCO manages technical communication needs

CSAF meets with PRT, local leader in Afghanistan

Afghan officials open new district center

Afghans take lead on wheat seed

PRT Zabul responds after tragic accident:

Airman injured in Afghanistan passes away

467th AEG provides world-class support to IA, JET Airmen

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tabAETC News RSS feed 
Airmen should review personnel records, accomplish transactions before MilPDS upgrade

AETC best in Air Force for ground safety in 2012

Streamlining, modernizing tech training takes expert team

Officials summarize impacts of sequestration on AETC

EOD Airman receives Purple Heart  1

EMS wins AF-level award

IAAFA hosts first female Dominican Republic combat pilot

tabWhat is JET, and what is an IA? 
Versatile Airmen Supporting the Joint Fight

JET "Joint Expeditionary Tasking":  the Air Force term used to indicate deployments under the Joint Sourcing Solution program in support of the Army

JET Airman: one who deploys into a JET position

IA "Individual Augmentee":  the Air Force term for deployers filling individual positions on the Joint Manning Document (positions that could be filled by any service)

The line remarks in a deployment tasking order indicate if it is a JET or IA . These taskings require pre-deployment training above what is required for standard deployments. All JET/IA deployers complete Combat Skills Training (CST) or Combat Airmen Skills Training (CAST), and some will also go through specialty training at various locations. The commencement of this pre-deployment training can be as much as several months in advance of the actual deployment date. Adherence to line remarks is crucial to ensure properly trained and equipped airmen arrive in theater on time.

One page PDF overview.
tabSecond Air Force's Role 
Second Air Force, via the 602d Training Group (Provisional), schedules Army provided CST and Air Force provided CAST, both of which prepare deployers for their specific taskings.  CST is provided at Army installations known as Mobilization Training Center (MTC).  The 602d Training Group (Provisional), via detachments on PPPs, oversees the delivery of CST and exercises administrative control over CST students.  The 602d Training Group (Provisional) also conducts semi-annual Training and Equipment Requirements Boards (TERBs) to ensure such training is constantly improving to meet the evolving demands of the in-theater commanders.

 Inside JET Airmen

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Second Air Force, Keesler AFB MS
602d Training Group (Provisional)
- Operations Center DSN 591-4100, comm 228-376-4100 (use this number to reach any of the MTC detachments, 602 TRG(P) personnel or when unsure who to contact)
- CST Schedulers DSN 591-6355, comm 228-376-6355
- CAST Schedulers DSN 591-6351, comm 228-376-6351
- Strategic Communication (website administrator) DSN 597-1365, comm 228-377-1365

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