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The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket

SpaceX CRS-1 Flight

CRS-1, short for Commercial Resupply-1 will be the first commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station by SpaceX.

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Yuri Malenchenko and Suni Williams

Living and Working

Dragon, the world’s first commercial cargo craft to resupply the station, is scheduled to launch Sunday at 8:35 p.m. EDT.

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Image for rrm video feature-ette

Research and Technology

Servicing "Non-Cooperative" Satellites: Jill McGuire, RRM project manager, and Alex Janas, robotics operator, from Goddard Space Flight Center, ...

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ISS033-E-005131 -- The Soyuz TMA-04M spacecraft departs from the International Space Station

Turning Over a New Leaf

Expedition 33 Commander Sunita Williams writes about a few of the recent changes aboard the International Space Station in her latest blog entry.

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International Space Station: the First 10 Years, the Next 10 Years

First Ten Years, Next Ten Years

Did you know that people have been living and working aboard the International Space Station around the clock, every day, for more than ten years?

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Astronaut Jeff Williams on aRED

Diet, Exercise Help Protect Astronauts' Bones

Eating right, exercising hard in space helps protect astronauts' bones, a finding that may help solve a key problem facing future explorers.

› Read More  |  › Press release  |  › Exercise Prescriptions Important on Station
International Space Station Live!

International Space Station Live!

Check out how the International Space Station, the most complex structure ever built in space, works on a daily basis.

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ISS Update

ISS Update

Watch ISS Update from Mission Control, Houston, weekdays at 11 a.m. ET. Follow us on Twitter @NASA_Johnson. Questions? Tweet us with #askStation.

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International Space Station Features

Current and Future Expeditions Gallery

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International Space Station: First 10 Years, Next 10 Years

  • International Space Station: the First 10 Years, the Next 10 Years

    First Ten Years, Next Ten Years

    Did you know that people have been living and working in space around the clock, every single day, for more than ten years? During the past decade, 15 nations have come together, setting aside boundaries and differences, to design, assemble, occupy, and conduct research inside and outside of the largest and longest inhabited object to ever orbit the Earth - the International Space Station.


Just for Researchers

  • Just for Researchers

    Just for Researchers

    Discover how NASA partners with industry, academia and federal, state, regional and local entities for research and development.

Just for Kids

  • Just for Kids

    Just for Kids

    Here you can find fun and educational resources for students of all ages.

Just for Educators

  • Educator Resources

    Just for Educators

    NASA's Education Materials Finder will help teachers locate resources that can be used in the classroom.

Interactive Features