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Offshore Publications
Titles of available publications are listed alphabetically by Minerals Management Service (MMS) region/office. Links are provided to abstracts or full text when available. These files can be downloaded and read using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

To order copies, contact either the MMS office or the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) listed in each publication citation.

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Alaska New Releases

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bullet ANIMIDA Phase I: Ambient And Industrial Noise Measurements Near The Northstar and Liberty Sites During April 2000, Final Report. G.W. Shepard et al. BBN Technologies. 2001. U.S. DOI. 66 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2001-047
bullet Beaufort Sea Nearshore Under-Ice Currents: Science, Analysis, And Logistics. T.J. Weingartner et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Institute of Marine Science. 2001. U.S. DOI. 22 p. Available from AK or from the Coastal Institute of Marine Science at cmi@sfos.uaf.edu. OCS Study, MMS 2001-068

Economic Assessment Of The Sport Fisheries For Halibut And Chinook and Coho Salmon In Lower And Central Cook Inlet, an. Mark Herrmann et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 145 p. Available from AK or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2000-061


Evaluation Of Sub-Sea Physical Environmental Data For The Beaufort Sea OCS And Incorporation Into a Geographic Information System (GIS) Databasse.
W.L. Horowitz. 2002. U.S. DOI. Available from AK as CD ROM or as web file. OCS Study, MMS 2002-017


Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Cleanup, And Litigation: A Collection of Social Impacts Information And Analysis. J.C. Russell et al. Impact Assessment, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 376 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2001-058


Feeding Ecology Of Maturing Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynckus Nerka) In Nearshore Waters Of The Kodiak Archipelago. A.V. Tyler et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 40 p. Available from AK or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-059


Historical Changes In Trace Metals and Hydrocarbons In The Inner Shelf Sediments, Beaufort Sea: Prior and Subsequent To Petroleum-Related Industrial Developments. A.S. Naidu et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 80 p. Available from AK or from NTIS: PB2001-108537. OCS Report, MMS 2001-061

bullet Information Transfer Meeting, Alaska OCS Region, April 3-5, 2001. U.S. DOI. (AK) Available on the web. OCS Study:

Green Bullet.  Seventh Proceedings.
56 p. MMS 99-0022
Green Bullet.  Eighth Proceedings. Applied Environmental Sciences. 2001. 41 p. Available from NTIS:
      PB2001-108602. MMS 2001-049

Kachemak Bay Experimental And Monitoring Studies: Recruitment, Succession, And Recovery In Seasonally Disturbed Rocky-Intertidal Habitat. R.C. Highsmith et al. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 66 p. Available from AK or from the Coastal Institute of Marine Science at cmi@sfos.uaf.edu. OCS Study, MMS 2001-053

bullet Liberty Development And Production Plan, Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Minerals Management Service. 2000. U.S. DOI. 2 vols. Available from AK. OCS EIS/EA:

Green Bullet.  Text. MMS 2001-001
Green Bullet.  Executive Summary. 69 p. MMS 2001-002
bullet Long-Term Consequences Of The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill for Coastal Communities Of Southcentral Alaska. J.A. Fall et al. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 2001. U.S. DOI. 348 p. Available from AK, on the web, or from NTIS: PB2001-106576. OCS Study, MMS 2001-032
bullet Numerical Simulation Of Atmosphere/Ocean/Sea Ice Interaction In The Arctic Ocean: 1982-1996. D.B. Haidvogel et al. Rutgers University, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. 2001. U.S. DOI. 62 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2001-069
bullet Seabird Tissue Archival And Monitoring Project: Protocol for Collecting and Banking Seabird Eggs. G.W. York et al. National Institute of Standards and Technology. 2001. U.S. DOI. 23 p. Available from AK or from NTIS: PB2001-105098. OCS Study, MMS 2001-031
bullet Seasonal Movements And Pelagic Habitat Use Of Murres Determined By Satellite Telemetry. P.M. Meyers et al. U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center. [2001]. U.S. DOI. 59 p. Available from AK. OCS Study, MMS 2001-040

Sediment Quality In Depositional Areas of Shelikof Strait And Outermost Cook Inlet. Arthur D. Little, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 345 p. Available from AK or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2000-024


The Use of Sea Ice Habitat By Female Polar Bear In The Beaufort Sea. 2004. 49 p. OCS Study, MMS 2004-014


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Gulf of Mexico New Releases


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Active Leases And Infrastructure (GOM OCS) (October 2001). W.W. Times. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Map, MMS 2001-072


Air Quality: User's Guide For The Gulfwide Offshore Activities Data System (GOADS). Darcy Wilson et al. Eastern Research Group, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 94 p. (GOM) Available on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-052


Assessment of Historical, Social, And Economic Impacts Of OCS Development On Gulf Coast Communities. Barbara Wallace et al. TechLaw, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Study:

Green Bullet.  Vol. I: Executive Summary. 12 p. MMS 2001-026
Green Bullet.  Vol. II: Narrative Report. 544 p. MMS 2001-027


Atlas of Gulf of Mexico Gas And Oil Sands As Of January 1, 1999. B.J. Bascle, L.D. Nixon, K.M. Ross. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM as CD ROM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-086  abstract


Brief Overview of Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil And Gas Pipelines: Installation, Potential Impacts, And Mitigation Measures. Deborah Cranswick. 2001.U.S. DOI. 19 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-067


Cetaceans, Sea Turtles And Seabirds In The Northern Gulf of Mexico: Distribution, Abundance And Habitat Associations. R.W. Davis, et al., eds. Texas A&M University at Galveston, The GulfCet Program. 2000. U.S. DOI. (GOM) Available on the web. OCS Study:

Green Bullet.  Vol. I, executive summary. 40 p. MMS 2000-002
Green Bullet.  Vol. II, technical report. 364 p. MMS 2000-003


Chemistry In The Gulf of Mexico: A Teacher’s Companion. M.C. Boatman. 2001. U.S. DOI. 21 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-066


Conoco Lydonia Canyon Block 145 No. 1 Well, Geological And Operational Summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 44 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-034


Deep Sea Gulf of Mexico: An Overview And Guide, The. B.J. Gallaway et al. LGL Ecological Research Associates, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 27 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2001-065

bullet Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2002: America's Expanding Frontier. R.D. Baud, R.H. Peterson, G.E. Richardson, L.S. French, Jim Regg, Tara Montgomery, T.S. Williams, Carey Doyle, and Mike Dorner. 2002. U.S. DOI. 148 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2002-021

Deepwater Physical Oceanography Reanalysis And Synthesis Of Historical Data, Synthesis Report. W.D. Nowlin, Jr., et al. Texas A&M University. 2001. U.S. DOI. 514 p. Available from GOM or as a web zip file. OCS Study, MMS 2001-064


Deepwater Program: Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Habitats And Benthic EcologyYear 1: Interim Report. G.T. Rowe et al. Texas A&M University, Engineering Experiment Station. 2001. U.S. DOI. 153 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101882. OCS Study, MMS 2001-091


Dispersion In Broad Shallow Estuaries: A Model Study. M. Inoue et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 54 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101924. OCS Study, MMS 2001-054


Effects Of Oil And Gas Development: A Current Awareness Bibliography. S. Bonvillain et al. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. 2001. U.S. DOI. 72 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2000-083


Exxon Corsair Canyon Block 975 No. 1 Well, Geological And Operational Summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 49 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-032


Exxon Lydonia Canyon Block 133 No. 1 Well, Geological And Operational Summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 58 p.(GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-033


Forecasting The Number Of Offshore Platforms On The Gulf of Mexico OCS To The Year 2023. A.G. Pulsipher et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 52 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2001-013


Georges Bank Petroleum Exploration, Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf. G.M.Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty. 2000. U.S. DOI. 22 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-031


Gulf of Mexico Fish And Fisheries: Bringing Together New And Recent Research, October 2000, Proceedings. Melanie McKay et al., eds. University of New Orleans. 2002. U.S. DOI. 706 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Study, MMS 2002-004


Gulf of Mexico Marine Protected Species Workshop, June 1999. Melanie McKay et al. University of New Orleans. 2001. U.S. DOI. 171 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2001-105771. OCS Study, MMS 2001-039


Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil And Gas Lease Sale 181, Eastern Planning Area, Final Environmental Impact Statement. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 2 volumes. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-051


Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Daily Oil And Gas Production Rate Projections. J.M. Melancon, Roy Bongiovanni, and R.D. Baud. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM or on the web.

Green Bullet.  2001 through 2005. 2001. 24 p. OCS Report. MMS 2001-044
Green Bullet.  2002 through 2006. 2002. 30 p. MMS 2002-031


Historic Shipwrecks Of The Gulf of Mexico: A Teacher's Resource: Instructional Resources For The Sidewheel Steamship Josephine. Minerals Management Service. 2000. U.S. DOI. 21 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-024


How Does Produced Water Cause A Reduction In The Genetic Diversity of Harpacticoid Copepods? Final Report. J.W. Fleeger et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 35 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101925. OCS Study, MMS 2001-078


Improved Geohazards And Benthic Habitat Evaluations: Digital Acoustic Data With Ground Truth Calibrations. H.H. Roberts. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 164 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2001-050


Information Transfer Meeting, Gulf of Mexico, Annual Proceedings. Melanie McKay et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Study:

Green Bullet.  Nov. 1999. 529 p. MMS 2001-081
Green Bullet.  Dec. 2000. 464 p. NTIS: PB2002-101894. MMS 2001-082


Investigation Of Blowout and Fire, Eugene Island Block 284, OCS-G 0991 Well A-13, March 1, 2001, Gulf of Mexico Off The Louisiana Coast. Tom Basey, John McCarroll, Marty Rinaudo, and Buddy Stewart. 2001. U.S. DOI. 29 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-084


Investigation of Fall And Fatality, Main Pass Block 140, May 19, 2000, Gulf of Mexico Off The Louisiana Coast. Frank Pausina, David Dykes, and Randall Josey. 2001. U.S. DOI. 16 p. Available from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-042


Investigation Of Fatality, Mississippi Canyon Block 167, OCS-G 08801, September 8, 2000, Gulf of Mexico, Off The Louisiana Coast. David Dykes and Tom Machado. 2001. U.S. DOI. 32 p. Available on the web (GOM). OCS Report, MMS 2001-045


Investigation Of Pressure And Pressure Gradients Along The Louisiana/Texas Inner Shelf And Their Relationships To Wind Forcing And Current Variability. Nan Walker et al. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 40 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101923. OCS Study, MMS 2001-057


Lafourche Parish and Port Fourchon, Louisiana: Effects Of The Outer Continental Shelf Petroleum Industry On The Economy And Public Services. Louisiana State University, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Study:

Green Bullet.  Part 1. D.C. Keithly. 42 p. MMS 2001-019
Green Bullet.  Part 2. D.W. Hughes et al. 22 p. MMS 2001-020


Management Applicability Of Contemporary Deep-Sea Ecology And Reevaluation Of Gulf Of Mexico Studies. R.S. Carney. Louisiana State University. 2001. U.S. DOI. 174 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101881. OCS Study, MMS 2001-095


Management Of The MMS-LSU Coastal Marine Institute: A Report Of The First Six Years, 1992-1998, Final Report. R.S. Carney. Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute. 2001. 92 p. (GOM) Availabale from GOM, on the web, or from NTIS: PB2001-107840. OCS Study, MMS 2001-062


Mississippi/Alabama Pinnacle Trend Ecosystem Monitoring, Final Synthesis Report. Continental Shelf Associates, Texas A&M. 2001. U.S. DOI. 446 p. Available from GOM, on the web, or from NTIS: PB2002-101921. OCS Study, MMS 2001-080


Mobil Lydonia Canyon Block 273 No. 1 Well, Geological And Operational Summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 50 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-036


Mobil Lydonia Canyon Block 312 No. 1 Well, Geological And Operational Summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 54 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-037


Multiple Use Maps (GOM OCS) (October 2001). W.W. Times. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Map, MMS 2001-073


Offshore Regulatory Features (GOM OCS) (October 2001). W.W. Times. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from GOM. OCS Map, MMS 2001-074


Oil And Gas Leasing Procedures Guidelines, Outer Continental Shelf. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 150 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-076


Outer Continental Shelf Petroleum Assessment 2000. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 12 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-036


Programmatic Environmental Assessment For Grid 4. Evaluation of Kerr-McGee Oil And Gas Corporation’s Development Operations Coordination Document, N-7045, Nansen Project, East Breaks, Blocks 602 and 646. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 211 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-075


Promise of Deep Gas In The Gulf of Mexico, The. Minerals Management Service. [2001]. U.S. DOI. 8 p. Availabale from GOM or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-037


Proposed OCS Lease Sale 180, Western Gulf of Mexico: Environmental Assessment. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 19 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-03


Proposed OCS Lease Sale 182, Central Gulf of Mexico, Environmental Assessment. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 52 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-097


Revised Proposal for Gulf of Mexico Oil And Gas Lease Sale 181, Eastern Planning Area, Environmental Assessment. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 25 p. Available from GOM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-083


Shell Lydonia Canyon block 357 No. 1 Sell, Geological And Operational Summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 43 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-038


Shell Lydonia Canyon Block 410 No. 1R Well, Geological and Operational Summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 58 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-039


Spatial And Temporal Variability Of Plankton Stocks On The Basis Of Acoustic Backscatter Intensity And Direct Measurements In The Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Final Report. R.L. Scott et al. Texas A&M University. 2001. U.S. DOI. 81 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-101926. OCS Study, MMS 2001-063


Statistical Summary 2000, Leasing By Sale And By Map Area/Block Number, Outer Continental Shelf. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 108 p. Available from GOM. OCS Report, MMS 2001-038


Tenneco Lydonia Canyon Block 187 No. 1 Well, Geological And Operational Summary. G.M. Edson, D.L. Olson, and A.J. Petty, eds. 2000. U.S. DOI. 59 p. (GOM) Available as web file. OCS Report, MMS 2000-035


User’s Guide For The Breton Offshore Activities Data System (BOADS) For Air Quality, Final Report. D.L. Coe et al. Sonoma Technology Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 73 p. (GOM) Available on the web or from NTIS: PB2001-105446. OCS Study, MMS 2000-081


Wind And Eddy-Related Circulation On The Louisiana/Texas Shelf And Slope Determined From Satellite And In-Situ Measurements, October 1993-August 1994, Coastal Marine Institute. N.D. Walker. Louisiana State University, Coastal Studies Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 57 p. Available from GOM. OCS Study, MMS 2001-025


Workshop On the Physical Oceanography Slope And Rise Of The Gulf of Mexico, September 2000. Melanie McKay et al., eds. University of New Orleans. 2001. U.S. DOI. 151 p. Available from GOM or from NTIS: PB2002-100816. OCS Study, MMS 2001-021

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Pacific New Releases

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Assessment Of United States Oil And Gas Resources Of The Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region, 1999 Assessment: An Expanded Update To The 1995 National Assessment Of United States Oil And Gas Resources. C.A. Dunkel. 2000. 16 p. U.S. DOI. Available from PAC or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-014


Delineation Drilling Activities In Federal Waters Offshore Santa Barbara County, California. Minerals Management Service. 2001. U.S. DOI. 759 p. Available from PAC on paper or CD or on the web. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-046


Ecological Role Of Natural Reefs And Oil And Gas Production Platforms On Rocky Reef Fishes In Southern California, 1998 And 1999 Survey Report, The. Milton Love et al. U.S. Geological Survey and University of California, Santa Barbara. 2001. U.S. DOI. 130 p. Available from PAC. OCS Study, MMS 2001-028


Effects Of Biologically Degraded Oil On Marine Invertebrate And Vertebrate Embryos And Larvae. G.N. Cherr. University of California, Santa Barbara, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 20 p. Available from PAC. OCS Study, MMS 2001-048


Politics, Economics, And Ecology Of Decomissioning Offshore Oil And Gas Structures, Final Study Report, The. M.V. McGionnis et al. Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara. 2001. U.S. DOI. 107 p. Available from PAC or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-006


Sublethal Effects Of Toxicants On Organisms: A Modeling Approach With Dynamic Energy Budgets, Final Study Report. Roger Nisbet et al. University of California, Santa Barbara, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 163 p. Available from PAC. OCS Study, MMS 2001-043


Summary Of Findings For Using High Frequency Radar In Physical Oceanographic And Ecological Studies. L. Washburn et al. University of California, Santa Barbara, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 45 p. Available from PAC. OCS Study, MMS 2001-056

Wave Prediction In The Santa Barbara Channel. R. Guzaet et al. University of California, Santa Barbara, Coastal Marine Institute. 2001. U.S. DOI. 7 p. Available from PAC. OCS Study, MMS 2001-055

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Headquarters New Releases

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2000-2002 Minerals Management Service Catalog Of Publications, Scientific And Technical Publications About Offshore Oil And Natural Gas And Marine Minerals. B.C. Lombard. 2003. U.S. DOI. 68 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2003-04


2003-2004 Minerals Management Service Catalog Of Publications, Scientific And Technical Publications About Offshore Oil And Natural Gas And Marine Minerals. B.C. Lombard. 2005. U.S. DOI. 29 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2005-02


Applied Physical Sciences In MMS. Zhen-Gang Ji. 2003. U.S. DOI. 19 p. Available from HDQRS, on the web, or from NTIS PB2003-107681. Vol. I: Why And How MMS Uses The Physical Sciences To Fulfill its Environmental Goals, OCS Report, MMS 2003-051


Central Gulf Of Mexico Sale 178, Part 1, March 28, 2001, Sale Summary, Bidding Results, And Related Analyses. Larry Slaski. 2001. U.S. DOI. 69 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-060


Central Gulf Of Mexico Sale 194, March 16, 2005, Sale Summary, Bidding Results, And Related Analyses. Larry Slaski. 2005. U.S. DOI. 74 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2005-053


Coastal Impact Assistance Program, Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment, May 2007. Mangi Environmental Group, Inc. and Minerals Management Service. 2007. U.S. DOI. 45 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2007-025.


Development And Design Of Biological And Physical monitoring protocols To Evaluate The Long-term Impacts Of Offshore Dredging Operations On The Marine Environment, Final Report. Research Planning Inc. et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 129 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-089


Eastern Gulf Of Mexico, Sale 197, March 16, 2005, Sale summary, Bidding Results And Related Analyses. Thierno Sow. 2005. U.S. DOI. 23 p. Available on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2005-046


Economic Analysis For The OCS 5-year Program, 2001-2007: Theory And Methodology. W.E. King. 2001.U.S. DOI. 22 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-088


Effects Of Offshore employment In The Petroleum Industry, The: A Cross-National Perspective. Rodney Cluck. 2001. U.S. DOI. 57 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Study, MMS 2001-041


Energy Alternatives And The Environment. W.E. King. 2001. U.S. DOI. 50 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2001-096


Environmental Report for Outer Continental Shelf Oil And Gas Leasing Program: 2002 – 2007. Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. and LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS. OCS Study:

Green Bullet.  Vol. I A & IB: Text. MMS 2001-029
Green Bullet.  Vol. II: Graphics. 157 p., MMS 2001-030


Examination Of Regional Management Strategies For Federal Offshore Borrow Areas Along The United States East And Gulf Of Mexico Coasts. Research Planning, Inc. et al. 2001. U.S. DOI. 45 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-090


Geological And Geophysical Data Acquisition Outer Continental Shelf through 2003. George Dellagiarino, Keith Meekins, and David Zinzer. 2005. U.S. DOI. 36 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS 2005-021


Geological And Geophysical Data Acquisition, Outer Continental Shelf Through 2004-2005. G. Dellagiarino, K. Meekins, and D. Zinzer. 2007 U.S. DOI. 42 p. Available from HDQRS. OCS Report, MMS REPORT 2007-049 (42 pages)


New Scientific And Technical Publications About Offshore Natural Gas, Oil And Marine Minerals. B.C. Lombard. U.S. DOI. Available from HDQRS or on the web. Spring 2006. 8 p.


Numerical Modeling Evaluation Of The Cumulative Physical Effects Of Offshore Sand Dredging For Beach Nourishment, Final Report. S.W. Kelley et al. Applied Coastal research and Engineering, Inc. 2001. U.S. DOI. 114 p. (HDQRS) Available as CD ROM or on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2001-09


Offshore Deep Stratigraphic Test Well Program, The. George Dellagiarino. 1991. U.S. DOI. 43 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 90-0028


Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Beaufort Sea Planning Area, Sales 186, 195, And 202. W.R. Johnson, C.M. Anderson, C.F. Marshall, and E.M. Lear (ed.). 2002. U.S. DOI. 140 p. Available from HDQRS  while supply lasts, from NTIS PB 2002-109190, or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2002-058


Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Contingency Planning Statistics for Gulf Of Mexico OCS Activities. Zhen-Gang Ji, Walter R. Johnson, Charles F. Marshall, Eileen M. Lear (ed.). 2004. U.S. DOI. 53 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2004-026.


Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Contingency Planning Statistics For Gulf Of Mexico OCS Activities In The Walker Ridge Planning Area. Walter R. Johnson, Zhen-Gang Ji, Charles F. Marshall, and Eileen M. Lear (ed.). 2007. USDOI/MMS. 25 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2007-029.


Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Cook Inlet Planning Area, OCS Lease Sales 191 And 199. W.R. Johnson, C.F. Marshall, C.F. and E.M. Lear (ed.). 2002. U.S. DOI. 76 p. Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2002-074


Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf Of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lease Sales, Central Planning Area And Western Planning Area, 2003-2007, And Gulfwide OCS Program, 2003-2042. Zhen-Gang Ji, W.R. Johnson, C.F. Marshall, G.B. Rainey, and E.M. Lear, ed. 2002. U.S. DOI. 61 p. (HDQRS) Available on the web or from NTIS: PB2002-107675. OCS Report, MMS 2002-032 and Update Notice (July 2003)


Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf Of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lease Sales, Central Planning Area And Western Planning Area, 2007-2012, And Gulfwide OCS Program, 2007-2046. Zhen-Gang Ji, Walter R. Johnson, Charles F. Marshall, and Eileen M. Lear (ed.). USDOI. 2007. 65 p. Available from Headquarters or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2007-040


Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Gulf Of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lease Sales, Eastern Planning Area, 2003-2007, And Gulfwide OCS Program, 2003-2042. Zhen-Gang Ji, W.R. Johnson, C.F. Marshall, G.B. Rainey, and E.M. Lear, ed. 2002. U.S. DOI. 71 p. (HDQRS) Available on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2002-069


Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Sivulliq Exploration Project. Authors: Walter R. Johnson, Charles F. Marshall, and Eileen M. Lear (ed.). USDOI. 2007. 59 p. Available from Headquarters or on the web, PB2007-111364OCS Report, MMS 2007-039


Our Ocean Role. James Kendall. 2003. U.S. DOI. 45 p. (HDQRS) Available from HDQRS or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2003-058


Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Leasing Program: 2002-2007. Minerals Management Service. 2001.U.S. DOI.

Green Bullet.  Draft Environmental Impact Statement, October 2001. 2 vol. Available from HDQRS on paper or CD ROM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2001-079
Green Bullet.  Final Environmental Impact Statement. 2 vol. Available from HDQRS on paper or CD ROM. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2002-006
Green Bullet.  Draft Proposed Program (decision document), July 2001. 80 p. Available from HDQRS or on web. Text
Green Bullet.  Proposed Program (decision document), October 2001.100 p. Available from HDQRS or on web. Text
Green Bullet.  Proposed Final Program (decision document), April 2002. 121 p. Available from HDQRS or on web. Text

bullet Outer Continental Shelf Oil And Gas Leasing Program: 2007-2012. Minerals Management Service. 2006. U.S. DOI

Green Bullet.  Draft Environmental Impact Statement, July 2006. 850 p. Available from HDQRS on paper or CD ROM or on the web. OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2006-004 Text

Outer Continental Shelf Petroleum Assessment, 2000. Minerals Management Service. 2000. U.S. DOI. 12 p. Available as web file only (unnumbered publication). full tex


Pipeline Oil Spill Volume Estimator, Pocket Guide. SINTEF Applied Chemistry and Well Flow Dynamics. 2002. U.S. DOI. 31 p. (HDQRS) Available on the web. OCS Study, MMS 2002-033


Supplement To Oil-Spill Risk Analysis: Beaufort Sea Planning Area, OCS Lease Sale 202. Walter R. Johnson, Charles F. Marshall, and Eileen M. Lear (ed.)  USDOI. 2007. 21 p. Available from Headquarters Environmental Division or on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2007-041. (269 KB; 27 pages)

bullet Western Gulf Of Mexico, Sale 196, August 17, 2005, Sale Summary, Bidding Results And Related Analyses. Larry Slaski. 2006. U.S. DOI. 70 p. Available on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2006-024
bullet Worldwide Synthesis and Analysis of Existing Information Regarding Environmental Effects of Alternative Energy Uses on the Outer Continental Shelf. Jacqueline Michel, Heidi Dunagan, Christine Boring, Erin Healy, William Evans, Mohn M. Dean, Andrew McGillis, and James Hahn. 2007. U.S. DOI 269 p. Available on the web. OCS Report, MMS 2007-038.

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Last Updated:  09/18/2007, 12:30 PM

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