Videos tagged with "Italy"

  • Remember the past, but continue to look ahead

    September 11, 2012

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    September 11th is forever marked as a day that changed the course of world history. In Vicenza, Italy, a joint commemoration ceremony took place downtown. SGT Nick Lloyd has more.
  • Bonjour, Ciao, and Hallo

    July 18, 2012

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    We have many partners in the war on terror. SGT Matthew O’Neill shows us how the NATO Rapid Deployment Corps, Italy, brought people from many of these nations together for a day of cultural displays and fun.
  • Exercise puts Aviano Airmen to the test

    June 27, 2012

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    Being ready to respond to serious situations is all in a days work for these Airmen. SSgt Will Bracy takes a look at the talent that makes disaster response exercises as real as possible at Aviano Air Base, Italy.
  • Project partnership

    May 30, 2012

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    When U.S. Airmen and Italian Soldiers join up for this 12-year tradition it’s always about the elements Mother Nature throws at them. SGT Jenn Casanova has the story.
  • Memorial Day in Florence

    May 28, 2012

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    EUCOM Chief of Staff Maj Gen Mark Barrett discusses the importance of remembering Memorial Day with our European allies after the ceremony at Florence American Cemetery May 28, 2012.
  • European Tanker Symposium

    May 18, 2012

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    NATO forces must work together during global military conflicts and seamless integration isn’t possible without training and an exchange of ideas. Enter the European Tanker Symposium; where members of the Royal Air Force as well as Italian, French, and Belgian air forces talk shop to increase NATO’s Air Power. SSgt Lance Daigle reports.
  • Navy aviators share skills with Italian air force academy cadets

    April 10, 2012

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    We head to Naples, Italy, where members of the Air Force are sharing their skills and experience with their counterparts from the Italian air force academy.
  • U.S. Ambassador to Italy visits Dal Molin construction site

    April 10, 2012

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    The construction of a new military installation in Italy has caught the attention of one very special person. SPC Adam Dineen tells us more.
  • Harbor Protection

    March 29, 2012

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    This isn’t your kid’s video game! SGT Tony Brazier takes us to the NATO Undersea Research Center in La Spezia, Italy, where gaming systems, and their consequences, are taken very seriously.
  • USAREUR commander vistis Vicenza military community

    February 23, 2012

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    USAREUR commander LTG Mark Hertling’s latest stop was in Vicenza, Italy, where SGT Jason Jones tells us he had some good news for the local community.
  • Learning to respond to an aircraft emergency

    December 2, 2011

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    When U.S. F-16s are in the air over Italy, they often fly far from any ground support should they need to land. A1C Roman Weber tells us how Aviano fire safety officials are making sure pilots and aircraft are safe if they have to make an emergency landing away from home.
  • Paying tribute to the Italian armed forces

    November 14, 2011

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    On November 4th, 1918, Austrian and Hungarian forces agreed to a cease-fire with Italy, thus ending WWI on the Italian front. Petty Officer David Charleston has more on a day that has been set aside to celebrate Italian forces, past and present.
  • ADM Stavridis meets with Joint Force Command Commanders

    November 3, 2009

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    Navy Adm. James Stavridis, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe and U.S. European Command Commander, meets with Joint Force Command Commanders in Naples, Italy.