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AHLTA-T, DCAM Sustainment Products a Go

March 15, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Since 2008, we’ve received numerous requests for training products to help Soldiers on-the-go use the MC4 system downrange. We responded with computer-based trainings (CBTs) and quick reference guides. We’ve also received requests for tools to help Soldiers to sustain their MC4 knowledge following new equipment training (NET), and for units to evaluate their unit’s readiness with MC4. In short, they needed sustainment training tools, like the AHLTA-T and DCAM products now available online.

In January, MC4 and the AMEDD Center and School (AMEDDC&S) published skill sheets and evaluation outlines for AHLTA-T and DCAM. The tools list the conditions, standards, performance steps, performance measures (Go or No Go), evaluation guidance and supporting products in the standard Army format. Now users can also hone their MC4 knowledge, skills and abilities on the outpatient EMR and MEDLOG applications on MC4, and commanders can measure their Soldier’s readiness along the way.

The new products for AHLTA-T and DCAM are just the beginning. We'll continue to partner with the AMEDDC&S on additional training resources.

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good info

May 9, 2011

Units can really use these sustainment tools, thanks.

April 7, 2011

The Gateway is all Grown up, New Website to Launch in Spring

March 14, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

In six years, The Gateway newsletter has evolved in readership and functionality. The change is so dynamic that the newsletter has become its own website–MC4’s new website.

This spring, MC4 will unveil the new site that carries The Gateway brand. The site consolidates MC4 information from the newsletter, public and help desk websites, along with new information, features and built-in social media tools. The new look and feel delivers more relevant, sharable information for everyone, from the end-user on the battlefield to anyone with a stake in tactical medical IT systems.

Users will be able to sort tips by date or application and rate their usefulness. Readers may recommend and post comments on stories, or quickly share information via Twitter, Facebook or email. Our three blogs will deliver timely, helpful information from experts more frequently versus once a month. Visitors may utilize our new search tool or view the whole site with an expanded sitemap (my favorite!) on every page.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to sign up for The Gateway email updates. We’ll let you know when the new site goes live, as well as additional MC4 news and information. I look forward to your feedback.

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Shameless Forum Plugs

March 11, 2011 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

As we share MC4-related news, tools and information on this website to benefit the medical IM/IT community, readers regularly sound off with their thoughts and opinions. Some comments spark productive, lively discussions that have debunked rumors or led to better tools for the end users, such as the stand-alone simulation data server.


I value your feedback and opinions. I routinely re-visit our articles or blogs to read new comments, and often forward them to our partners. Your feedback is important to the growth of this program, and the EMR, MEDLOG and medical C2 mission at large. By the way, our new website debuting this spring features new comments on the homepage. I know, shameless plug, but here’s another.

Check out the AMEDD Lessons Learned forum on MilBook. The AMEDD Lessons Learned Division started the forum to collect and disseminate information, as well as facilitate change throughout the AMEDD. It’s another venue for the medical IM/IT community to interact with peers, share ideas and ask for assistance.

Earlier this year, a MEDLOG officer used the forum to ask questions about the MC4 system. The user community responded, sharing first-hand accounts, successes and challenges. Last year, MC4 helped the 452nd CSH publish its white paper on the forum. The paper presented results of their Lean Six Sigma project about the use of AHLTA-T’s inpatient functionality versus TC2.

While users address additional topics other than MC4, the AMEDD Lessons Learned forum is another resource to help you maximize the potential of the MC4 system in garrison and on the battlefield.

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