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The Genepool system is a cluster dedicated to the DOE Joint Genome Institute's computing needs.  Phoebe is a smaller test system for Genepool that is primarily used by NERSC staff to test new system configurations and  software.

Updates and Status

Find information on known problems, open issues, and recent announcements. Read More »

Getting started

Learn how to log in and get started Read More »


The Genepool system will be made up of a heterogeneous collection of nodes to serve the diverse workload of the JGI users. Read More »

User Environment

When users log into Genepool/Phoebe they have the default global homes environment which includes the JGI software and tools. Read More »

Queues and Policies

Learn about the fair share batch scheduler and queues used on Genepool/Phoebe Read More »

Running Jobs

UGE (Formerly Sun Grid Engine) is the batch system used on Genepool and Phoebe, this section will tell you how to run jobs using this system. Read More »


Users can access software in /jgi/tools. In the future NERSC will create software modules and details regarding software maintenance and access will be found here. Read More »

File storage and I/O

There are 5 main areas on Genepool where users can read, write and store data. This page documents the purpose and performance of each one. Read More »

Cluster Statistics

Basic user and group usage statistiscs. Read More »

Transfer and Archive Data

Move your data from Netapps to /project b or /house. Back up and delete data from house! Read More »

Supported Systems

List of systems supported by NERSC and those systems that are still supported by the JGI directly. Read More »

Performance and Optimization

Performance and Optimization tuning parameters for various software packages Read More »

Genepool Completed Jobs

This is a Beta site, please send questions and comments to Read More »