NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Computational Systems

NERSC provides large-scale, state-of-the-art computing systems for its users.



Hopper, a Cray XE6, with 153,216 compute cores, 217 TB of memory and 2PB of disk is the largest system at NERSC. Read More »



Carver, an IBM iDataPlex system, provides excellent CPU performance, good energy efficiency per flop, and a familiar environment for mid-range parallel applications. Carver's computational nodes contain 2240 Intel Nehalem quad-core processors, 160 Westmere 6-core processors, and 8 Nehalem-EX 8-core processors, for a total of 9,984 cores. Read More »



Euclid, named in honor of the ancient Greek mathematician, is an Sun Microsystems Sunfire x4640 SMP. Its single node contains eight 6 core Opteron 2.6 GHz processors with all 48 cores sharing the same 512 GBytes of memory. The system's theoretical peak performance is 499.2 Gflop/s. Read More »


Dirac GPU Cluster

Dirac is a GPU testbed cluster run in collaboration with Berkeley Lab's Computational Research Division. NERSC users may apply for access to the Dirac system. Read More »



PDSF is a networked distributed computing cluster designed primarily to meet the detector simulation and data analysis requirements of physics, astrophysics and nuclear science collaborations. Read More »

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The Genepool system is a cluster dedicated to the DOE Joint Genome Institue's computing needs. Phoebe is a smaller test system for Genepool. Read More »