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You are hereHome > MBDA Helps Native American-Owned Business Secure Millions in Contracting and Increase Revenues By 70%

MBDA Helps Native American-Owned Business Secure Millions in Contracting and Increase Revenues By 70%

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“I first came to the Tulsa MBDA Business Center seeking assistance in maneuvering some issues with the Small Business Administration. The project director helped me navigate the system and has been a great business coach and source of contract opportunities.”   Lynn White, President CEO/CFO


Company Name: Ohopaki General Contracting & Mechanical, Inc.
Industry Sector: Construction
Results of MBDA Assistance: $4 Million Contract 
31 Jobs Created and/or Retained
MBDA Support: Access to Contracts
Access to Capital
Strategic Business Consulting


Ohopaki LogoLynn White knows as well as anyone that developing contacts and building relationships can make all the difference in successfully growing a business. Thanks to a chain of introductions set in motion by the business development specialists at the MBDA Business Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mr. White was able to meet and spend time with contract officers at Tinker Air Force Base.  The relationships he built led to a $4 million contract from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that created and retained 31 jobs, and represented a 70% increase in sales.

The Tulsa MBDA Business Center and Ohopaki are continuing to work together to increase sales and build substantive relationships in the contracting community.

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Posted on October 2, 2012

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