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FedsGetFit Virtual Cookbook

Picture of Ceviche Mixta

Ceviche Mixta

Indira Manring
Department of Defense - Dependents Schools
  • 1 lb. fresh white ocean fish, e.g. Tilapia, flounder, sea bass
  • 1 lb. Scallops, halved or quartered depending on size
  • 1 lb. Shrimp, your choice in size. Raw or cooked
  • 1 pack crab meat
  • 8 oz. Squid or octopus, chopped
  • 2-3 cups fresh lime juice
  • Juice of one orange
  • 3 Jalapenos chopped finely
  • 2 red Thai peppers chopped finely
  • 1/2 cup yellow pepper finely diced
  • 1/2 cup red pepper finely diced.
  • 1 red onion diced
  • 1 cup chopped coriander/cilantro
  • 1-2 Avocados, ripened
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 glass bowl
  • 1 wooden or plastic spoon
  • lid for bowls or cling wrap.

Step 1: Dice fish, scallops, octopus, add raw shrimp and blanch for 1 minute in boiling water. Transfer to ice water immediately and drain. If cooked shrimp, add after draining.

Step 2: Place seafood in bowl along with enough lime juice to cover, orange juice, peppers and onions, mix well.

Step 3: Cover the bowl tightly and refrigerate 3 hours. Opening it up occasionally to stir ingredients.

Step 4: After 3 hours, drain seafood and discard marinate. Add cilantro, olive oil, diced avocado and salt, Mix well. Add a squeeze of lime and orange juice to freshen the flavors, if desired. Mix well and taste, add more salt if necessary. Refrigerate until needed!

Step 5: Ready to serve in a glass or on chips or tostadas. Get creative, one day make it fish only, or shrimp. Add 1 cubed mango & 1 tbsp of sugar, for a Caribbean flair. In the end the passion you put into your dish is what you will get out of your dish. Enjoy.

This recipe is healthy because it covers all areas from low fat, low cholesterol, low carbohydrates.
I have been eating Ceviche since I was a child and when I grew up and started cooking for myself I started modifying recipes to make them healthier. My family calls my recipes the skinny Mexican fusion.