NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Now Computing at NERSC

A small sample of jobs now running on NERSC's supercomputers.

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Joint Genome Institute - Production Sequencing and Genomics (m342)
DOE Office Biological & Environmental Research Science AreaLife Science InvestigatorEdward Rubin, DOE Joint Genome Institute
ComputerHopper Cores48,000 Core Hours Used
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Cosmic Microwave Background Data Analysis For The Planck Satellite Mission (planck)
DOE Office High Energy Physics Science AreaAstrophysics InvestigatorJulian D. Borrill, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
ComputerHopper Cores28,800 Core Hours Used
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SciDAC GSEP: Gyrokinetic Simulation of Energetic Particle Turbulence and Transport (m808)
DOE Office Fusion Energy Sciences Science AreaFusion Energy InvestigatorZhihong Lin, University of California Irvine
ComputerHopper Cores12,288 Core Hours Used
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Quantum Chromodynamics with three and four flavors of dynamical quarks (mp13)
DOE Office High Energy Physics Science AreaLattice QCD InvestigatorDoug Toussaint, University of Arizona
ComputerHopper Cores3,072 Core Hours Used
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Collaborative Research: Quantifying the Uncertainties of Aerosol Indirect Effects and Impacts on Decadal- Scale Climate Variability in NCAR CAM5 and CESM1 (m1427)
DOE Office Biological & Environmental Research Science AreaClimate Research InvestigatorXiaohong Liu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
ComputerHopper Cores1,920 Core Hours Used
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Multiscale Simulations of Particle-, Molecule-Surface Interactions, simulations of nanowires: Structure, dynamics, and quantum transport, and structure and electronic structure of high Tc materials (mp261)
DOE Office Basic Energy Sciences Science AreaMaterials Science InvestigatorHai-Ping Cheng, University of Florida
ComputerCarver Cores128 Core Hours Used