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My PAA Users Manual (PDF)
New User Sign Up — Open an Account
To take any action in My PAA, you must first open an account. To do so, complete the information requested below. You only complete this information once when you open your account.

Already have an account? Log into My PAA
Need more information about My PAA accounts? Click here
Need more information about how My PAA works? Click here

Enter Your Personal Information
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Work Phone: (ex. 111-111-1111) Ext.  (ex. 111111)
* Work E-mail: (ex. aa@a.com)
* Confirm E-mail: (ex. aa@a.com)

Create a Security Key
Create a security key for My PAA by selecting a secret question from the dropdown list and then entering a secret answer to the question. Remember your security key combination, because My PAA will ask you to enter it to complete certain transactions (e.g., sign a filing, reset your password).

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your Secret Answer must be between 1 and 25 characters and can contain numbers and letters.
* Secret Question:
* Secret Answer:
* Confirm Secret Answer:

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