Senior Airmen Steven Trimble (right) and Otto Chanarias, 820th Base Defense Squadron close precision engagement team members, stalk a target during Regiment-hosted sniper training.

STANFORD TRAINING AREA, England – Senior Airmen Steven Trimble (right) and Otto Chanarias, 820th Base Defense Squadron close precision engagement team members, stalk a target during Regiment-hosted sniper training. “Working with (the RAF) was a good opportunity. Seeing how they operate will allow us to work better with them in the future,” said Trimble. View at highest resolution (4288 by -1 pixels)

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STANFORD TRAINING AREA, England – Senior Airmen Steven Trimble (right) and Otto Chanarias, 820th Base Defense Squadron close precision engagement team members, stalk a target during Regiment-hosted sniper training. “Working with (the RAF) was a good opportunity. Seeing how they operate will allow us to work better with them in the future,” said Trimble.

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