CAMP PEPELISHTE, Macedonia â? Staff Sgt. Kostic Sasa, Macedonian army medical technician, inspects a simulated patienttâ?s leg during the 2011 Medical Training Exercise in Central and Eastern Europe

CAMP PEPELISHTE, Macedonia - Staff Sgt. Kostic Sasa, Macedonian army medical technician, inspects a simulated patient's leg during the 2011 Medical Training Exercise in Central and Eastern Europe live exercise June 11. An annual Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-sponsored regional and multilateral exercise, MEDCEUR is designed to provide medical training and operational experience in a deployed environment for U.S. and partner nations. The countries participating in this year's MEDCEUR are Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia and Norway. (U.S. Air Force photo/) View at highest resolution (1000 by 464 pixels)

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CAMP PEPELISHTE, Macedonia - Staff Sgt. Kostic Sasa, Macedonian army medical technician, inspects a simulated patient's leg during the 2011 Medical Training Exercise in Central and Eastern Europe live exercise June 11. An annual Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-sponsored regional and multilateral exercise, MEDCEUR is designed to provide medical training and operational experience in a deployed environment for U.S. and partner nations. The countries participating in this year's MEDCEUR are Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia and Norway. (U.S. Air Force photo/)

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