Guide to Defining Video Quality Requirements

Revised May 29, 2012

Change log


Date Changes
May 2012 Added a Feedback button to the Recommendations Tool for Video Requirements. Added a link below the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of each VQiPS Guide page as a short cut to jump directly to the Recommendations tool.
January 2012 Added a storage calculator to the Recommendations Tool for Video Requirements.
May 2011 Revised pages and added data to the Recommendations Tool for Video Requirements. The VQiPS web pages are released from Beta and made public on the PSCR site.
January 2011 Added example video for these Generalized Use Class aspects: Target Size, Motion, and Lighting Level.
December 2010 Added the Recommendations Tool for Video Requirements.
November 2010 Added Video System Tasks and Video System Functions sections. Added step-process bar and Next/Previous buttons to each page supporting the steps for defining requirements.
August 2010 An internal Beta web version of the VQiPS Guide to Defining Requirements is posted to the PSCR web site.
July 2010 DHS/OIC publishes the first version of the VQiPS Guide to Defining Requirements. Development of a web version begins.