• STO_Title
  • Super Resolution Vision System (SRVS)

    The Super-Resolution Vision System (SRVS) program will develop and build a field prototype soldier-portable optical system (including for the sniper) with improved recognition and identification range over existing systems.

    The Super-Resolution Vision System (SRVS) program will develop and build a field prototype soldier-portable optical system (including for the sniper) with improved recognition and identification range over existing systems. SRVS will exploit an atmospheric turbulence-generated micro-lensing phenomenon to generate better-than-diffraction-limited images. Through enhanced resolution imaging, SRVS will: (i) extend target recognition and identification to decisively longer distances; (ii) overcome atmospheric turbulence, which now limits the ability of high-resolution optics; and (iii) increase target identification confidence to reduce fratricide and/or collateral damage.

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