Kentucky ADT grows better crops with soil testing

By Spc. William E. Henry
Combined Joint Task Force - 82

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Kentucky Agri-business Development Team members supervise Turkmen village members removing soil from a probe on a farm in Parwan province, Afghanistan, Sept. 16. The soil samples will be sent to a new soil testing laboratory in Kabul and to the University of Kentucky to be analyzed. (Photo by Spc. William E. Henry, Combined Joint Task Force - 82 PAO)
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PARWAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan (9/18/09) - Members of the Kentucky Agri-business Development Team went to a village here to take soil samples to learn how they can increase yields of crops for years to come Sept. 16.

Army Maj. Jim Rush accompanied other ADT members on a mission to Turkmen village to help solve why some the crops in the village's fields were not growing properly.

Rush and others thought there may be a fungus affecting the growth in the plants, but said they can't make that determination without further testing of the soil.

Rush said they were going to take the samples and send half to a new soil testing laboratory in Kabul and the other half to the University of Kentucky to be analyzed.

"We can come back to make suggestions for the land owner to make applications of fertilizers, gypsum and lime to improve his soil for crop yield for next year," Rush said.

The results of the soil samples taken should come back in about a month. From there, they will make determinations on what steps to take to provide improvements.

A representative of over 300 families in the village said he hopes to sell the produce at local markets to make more money and get better equipment to expand on what he is doing beyond just providing for his family.

"This is going to be a big help for the farmers and for the reconstruction of Afghanistan," said the village representative. "We will be able to produce more and get more yields out of this. That's a big favor from the coalition forces."

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