Congressman Duffy Welcomes Home WI Heroes

Jun 27, 2011 Issues: Defense and National Security, Veterans

Congressman Duffy joined the community in Hayward at the Musky Festival in welcoming home Wisconsin National Guard troops after their tour of duty in Iraq:

Welcome Home, 724th Engineer Battalion
KQDS Fox-21

Though they've been back home for a few months now, some Wisconsin Army National Guard soldiers received a proper homecoming on Sunday in Hayward, along with the appreciation they deserve.

Wisconsin Army National Guard soldier, Travis Bernard remembers the support he and his troops received as they deployed. “Neighborhood after neighborhood people were standing out there waving us goodbye and that was just really awesome,” said Bernard.

Though soldiers of the 724th Forward Support Company Engineer Battalion have been back from Iraq since late February, they receive that same support as they are officially welcomed home on Sunday. “I'm proud to be a soldier but its days like today that I’m especially proud to be from Northern Wisconsin and call Northern Wisconsin home,” said 724th Engineer Battalion Lt. Col. David O’Donahue.

Friends, family and a grateful community show their appreciation for these soldiers’ service to our country.

“Today's a celebration. Today’s about thanks. Today’s about pride; pride in our soldiers, pride in our country, pride in our community,” said Hayward Mayor Bill Swintkowski.

“We may be divided over the war but we are united in saying thank you for what you do,” said Wisconsin State Sen. Bob Jauch.

It’s this support from the community that kept these soldiers pushing forward through their mission.

“It's a great feeling to know that we got so many supporters,” said Kyle Draxler of the 724th Engineer Battalion.

“We felt the support while we were over there and it's continued ever since we got back even though we're still not over there fighting a war. It really gives us a purpose to what we do while we're over there,” said Bernard.

A greater purpose that inspires the community.

“At a time when so many of our children are desperately looking for heroes and role models, right here in downtown Hayward we have 78 American heroes,” said Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy.

“You are the best of America. You remind us of the greatness of America. You inspire us to give more of ourselves. God Bless America. God Bless you and thank you for what you've done for all of us,” said Jauch.

A simple ‘thank you’ for service that can never be repaid.

Hayward Welcomes Home National Guard Soldiers

Hayward honored its National Guard company Sunday during the city's annual Musky Festival. After a ten-month deployment in Iraq the 724th Engineer Forward Support Company received a well deserved standing ovation.

It had all the makings of a parade, but the atmosphere of a troops welcome home.

"Thank you soldiers," said Ali and Sierra Clifford, who fed the soldiers ice cream.

Sunday the 62nd Annual Musky Fest, honored the 91 troops, of the Hayward-based Wisconsin National Guard 724th Engineer Battalion Forward Standing Company.

"Being it my first deployment I didn't know what to expect but then I got to drill and they said oh they are bringing you food they're going to have a parade," said Travis Bernard, FSC 724th Unit Armorer.

The company made up mostly of Wisconsinites came back in late February after a year of active duty including 10 months of service in Iraq.

"You know as a solider you don't always feel you are connected with the community but something like this really shows that this company is," said FSC 724th Commander, Capt. Matthew Kelly.

On a weekend that would normally be dedicated to training, the soldiers and their families were treated to a luncheon, paraded through downtown in Ford trucks, then thanked in a ceremony by local Congressman Sean Duffy.

"Hayward is proud of all of you," said Congressman Duffy.

They were also thanked by State Senator Bob Jauch.

"You represent the greatness of the United States of America," said Senator Jauch.

It was topped off with a standing ovation, as the service men and women led the parade.

The homecoming was organized by the Hayward Chamber of Commerce.

You can watch Northland NewsCenter’s coverage of the welcome ceremony and the Musky Festival HERE.