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Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis
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Retirement Plans, Benefits & Savings


Consumer Information on Pension Plans

The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) provides a Web page dedicated to consumer information on retirement plans to provide retirement plan participants and their beneficiaries with information on their rights under the federal pension law with respect to their plans. The information ranges from general information on the law to numerous specific issues.

DOL Web Pages on This Topic

Cash Balance Plans: Questions and Answers
Provides answers to commonly asked questions on cash balance plans.

A Look at 401(k) Plan Fees...for Employees
Provides information about plan fees, including ten warnings signs that your 401(k) contributions are being misused.

Pension and Health Care Coverage...Questions and Answers for Dislocated Workers
Provides pension and health plan benefits information to workers dislocated by plant closings or layoffs.

Filing a Claim for Your Retirement Benefits
Advises participants about how to file a claim for benefits and what to do if the claim is denied.

How to Obtain Employee Benefit Plan Documents from the Department of Labor
Describes the documents and materials available to the public through the EBSA public disclosure room, and also tells you how to use this facility.

Protect Your Pension: A Quick Reference Guide
Provides an overview of the federal rules that protect pension plans, including ten warning signs that your 401(k) contributions are being misused.

Top 10 Ways to Prepare for Retirement (Español)
Provides 10 tips to help you prepare for retirement.

Savings Fitness: A Guide to Your Money and Your Financial Future (PDF)
Provides a quick guide to help you save and prepare for retirement.

Your Employer's Bankruptcy: How Will it Affect Your Employee Benefits?
Provides information on bankruptcy’s effect on pension plans and group health plans.

Frequently Asked Questions for Reservists Being Called to Active Duty Related to their Pension and Health Benefits
Provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about pension and health plan benefits by National Guard and reserve members being called to active duty as a result of the events of September 11, 2001.