Opportunities for Engagement with the National Climate Assessment Print E-mail


Engagement Strategy

On May 20th, 2011 the National Climate Assessment released its Engagement Strategy [pdf] .


Much of the stakeholder engagement of the National Climate Assessment (NCA) will be accomplished through a network of partner organizations that can extend the NCA process and products to a broader audience. In the broadest sense, this “network of networks” (NCAnet) will include all of the organizations that deliberately work to connect the NCA with a broad array of stakeholders. More specifically, the NCA is also seeking to build long-term capacity to conduct and use assessments by cultivating partnerships with organizations that will participate in the sustained assessment process. Please visit the NCAnet site for more information about how your organization can partner with the NCA in NCAnet: http://ncanet.usgcrp.gov

Technical Inputs


Guidance for Technical Input Teams

The NCA staff and NCA Development and Advisory Committee (NCADAC) working groups have developed a number of initial guidance and informational documents for technical input teams.  These are available here.

Request for Inputs

While federal leadership will continue to play a significant role in the 2013 NCA and beyond, the National Climate Assessment Development Advisory Committee (NCADAC) recognizes and calls upon the increasing science capability and expertise across the United States to support its work. The diverse viewpoints of private industry, state and local governments, non-governmental organizations, professional societies, and impacted communities will ultimately contribute to a better informed and more useful NCA report.

Individuals and teams are invited to submit technical inputs for consideration by the NCADAC in drafting NCA reports. More information about submitting expressions of interest in providing technical inputs and assessment capacity can be found in the following documents:

  • July 13, 2011 Federal Register Notice ("request for information") inviting the public to provide comments and expressions of interest in offering technical inputs or assessment capacity on topics related to the National Climate Assessment [pdf html]
  • September 7, 2011 Federal Register Notice providing an target deadline for expressions of interest of October 1, 2011 [pdf html

Expressions of interest targeting the 2013 NCA report were initially requested by October 1, 2011. However, teams are still invited to provide expressions of interest describing new technical inputs and offers of assessment capacity. All expressions of interest, or questions about the expression of interest process, should be directed to Emily Cloyd (ecloyd@usgcrp.gov).

The inputs targeting the 2013 NCA report were due by March 1, 2012.  The NCA is accepting technical inputs for the sustained assessment process on a rolling basis. Please see the Federal Register Notice for a detailed timeline and more information.

Upcoming Opportunities

The NCA will continue to conduct listening sessions at upcoming professional society meetings, including those listed below. In addition, many of the NCADAC-initiated technical input teams in regions and sectors are beginning to organize.  If you have questions about any of these events, please contact Emily Cloyd at ecloyd@usgcrp.gov.

To view all upcoming events in calendar format, click here



9-10th | Portland, OR

                National Climate Assessment Northwest Region

Author Team Meeting (invite-only)


10th | Washington, DC

National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee Webinar

and Teleconference


12th | Kansas City, MO

National Climate Assessment Great Plains Region

Author Team Meeting (invite-only)


24-25th | Ft. Lauderdale, FL

National Climate Assessment Southeast Region (invite-only)




3-4th | Seattle, WA

National Climate Assessment Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Author Team Meeting (invite-only)


3-4th | Alexandria, VA

National Climate Assessment Oceans and Marine Resources

Author Team Meeting (invite-only)


4th | Anchorage, AK

National Climate Assessment Alaska and Arctic Region

Author Team Meeting (invite-only)

8-9th | Boulder, CO

National Climate Assessment Human Health

Author Team Meeting (invite-only)


14-15th | Seattle, WA

National Climate Assessment Water Resources

Author Team Meeting (invite-only)


16-18th | Washington, DC

National Academy of Sciences Sustainability Symposium

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation (invite-only)


21-23rd | Boston, MA

Global Conference for Oceans, Climate, and Security

Tuesday, May 22, 2012;
Track Session #1, 10:30am-12:00pm;
(2) Science: Global Climate Change Science (invite-only)



29-31st | Tuscon, AZ

Adaptation Futures: 2012 International Conference on Climate Adaptation

http://www.adaptation.arizona.edu/adaptation2012 (invite-only)


11-14th | Tuscon, AZ

Southwest Climate Summit

US Department of the Interior Southwest Climate Science Center


12-14th | Washington, DC

National Climate Assessment Convening Lead Authors Meeting (invite-only)


15th | Washington, DC

National Climate Assessment Development and Advisory Committee Meeting



5-10th | Portland, OR

Ecological Society of America 2012: Life on Earth, Preserving, Utilizing, 

and Sustaining our Ecosystems

National Climate Assessment: Symposium Session

Thursday, August 9, 2012 from 1:30-5:00pm




If you have questions about any of these events, please contact Emily Cloyd at ecloyd@usgcrp.gov.