
Another Morning Show, Another Denial of Reality from Paul Ryan

In his latest attempt to deny the devastating impact of the Republican budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan chose to throw facts to the wind this morning on the “Today” Show:   

“Do you acknowledge poor people will suffer under this budget?” [Ann] Curry asked Ryan.

“No,” Ryan responded… [4/10]

It’s actually quite stunning he was able to utter that word with a straight face—let’s look at the reality.

The Republican budget ends the Medicare guarantee:

Raising seniors’ health costs immediately by repealing provisions closing the prescription drug donut hole and repealing new free preventive care benefits under Medicare.  

Increasing costs for Medicare beneficiaries by thousands of dollars.  

Two-thirds of Medicaid spending covers seniors and individuals with disabilities, and the Republican budget slashes Medicaid by $810 billion over next 10 years:

Endangering health care coverage for over 60 million Americans, including 16 million seniors and individuals with disabilities and 33 million children. 

Jeopardizing coverage for today’s 1 million nursing home residents. 

Risking benefits allowing 3 million elderly and disabled individuals to remain independent and in their homes today.

The Republican budget cuts $133.5 billion from the SNAP food assistance program over the next 10 years, endangering the nutritional needs of nearly 47 million Americans.  Eighty-five percent of SNAP households are living below the poverty line. 

It also cuts college aid for more than 9 million students, slashing education funding by $115 billion over ten years, cutting extra reading and math help for low-income children, and removing 200,000 children and their families from Head Start in just one year.

And in Chairman Ryan’s own backyard, the GOP budget:

Puts 844,000 Wisconsin SNAP participants at risk in 2013.

Could force as many as 423,000 Wisconsin residents off Medicaid.  

Slashes $28.8 billion in health benefits, including $6.2 billion for seniors, from Wisconsin residents. 

Perhaps Chairman Ryan meant the wealthiest will not suffer under his budget, which rewards those making over $1 million per year with an average tax cut of $394,000.    

Honest mistake?  Nah, verbal gymnastics. 

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