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Preserve America

U.S. Pension Building, Washington, DC

On March 3, 2003, President Bush signed Executive Order 13287 - Preserve America.  The executive order calls on the federal government to protect, enhance and use historic properties owned by the government; to build partnerships with state and local governments, Indian tribes, and the private sector to promote local economic development through the use of historic properties; to maintain accurate information on federal historic properties and their condition; and to seek opportunities to increase public benefit from federally owned historic properties, including heritage tourism.

With one quarter of GSA's owned space located in historic buildings, there are many opportunities to make a difference by encouraging client agencies to use historic buildings we own or have an opportunity to lease.  Most directives set forth in the executive order have long been underway at GSA, including:

  • Developing a national database identifying GSA historic properties that includes information on material conditions and preservation guidance.
  • Working with communities to ensure public benefit from the federal presence.
  • Creating an active strategy for using historic buildings and keeping them viable.
  • Outleasing underutilized historic buildings, renting ceremonial spaces for special events, and expanding regional and national websites.

GSA is proud to be a partner in this initiative to strengthen government-wide preservation efforts. For more information, visit

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Preserve America, Executive Order 13287, tourism, historic buildings, pbs, preservation, museums, exhibits, retail