Chief Petty Officer Roy Maddocks and Command Sergeant Major Terrence Harris discuss Non-Commissioned Officer corps development with Colonel Zoran Lazarevic.

Chief Petty Officer Roy Maddocks, U.S. European Command's Senior Enlisted Leader, and Command Sergeant Major Terrence Harris, Senior Enlisted Leader of the Maine National Guard, discuss Non-Commissioned Officer corps development with Colonel Zoran Lazarevic, Chief of Staff of the Montenegrin General Staff. View at highest resolution (800 by -1 pixels)

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Chief Petty Officer Roy Maddocks, U.S. European Command's Senior Enlisted Leader, and Command Sergeant Major Terrence Harris, Senior Enlisted Leader of the Maine National Guard, discuss Non-Commissioned Officer corps development with Colonel Zoran Lazarevic, Chief of Staff of the Montenegrin General Staff.

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