Happy World Teachers’ Day!

Posted by Ann Stock / October 05, 2012

A teacher speaks to students at the school of La Ronce in Ville d'Avray, west of Paris, Oct. 5, 2012. [AP Photo]

Ann Stock serves as Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs.

To mobilize support for teachers worldwide and to ensure we can meet the educational needs of future generations, the State Department celebrates the 19th annual UNESCO World Teachers' Day. Whether through an alphabet lesson or a taste of astrophysics, teachers are at the start of every journey. Educators in and out of the classroom are responsible for so much good in the world, and it's only fitting that we honor their contributions.

This week, the State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs hosted a two-day symposium for teachers interested in integrating global content into their lesson plans. Participants included 68 American teachers on the Teachers for Global Classrooms program -- who had traveled to Brazil, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, or Ukraine -- and 19 International teachers from Argentina, Finland, India, Israel, Mexico, Morocco, Singapore, and South Africa conducting research in the United States on the Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching Program.

These programs and this symposium are just a slice of the work the State Department does with educators year-round. In the last year alone, we brought 450 teachers from 66 countries to the United States on a variety of exchange programs, and 200 American teachers traveled to 21 countries. We also support dozens of programs for high school and university students, scholars, and anyone interested in learning or teaching English.

So, today, thank the teachers in your life -- no matter where in the world they are.

(And if you choose to do it over Twitter, use the hashtag #wtd2012!)

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Patrick in Maryland writes:

****"Happy World Teacher's Day"****

A teacher is a terrible Noun too waste!

So, I hope we support our teachers.

Posted on Sat Oct 06, 2012

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