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JL (Judicial-Legal Matters)

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Scope and Content Note

The subject category is composed of correspondence, messages and drafts of Presidential messages, memoranda, cross references, notes, petitions, press releases, cables, telegrams, wires, printed material and newspaper clippings concerning Administration judicial policy and law enforcement. Major correspondents include Peter M. Flanigan, John D. Ehrlichman, Peter G. Peterson, William E. Timmons, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., Bryce N. Harlow, Egil Krogh, Jr., Dwight L. Chapin, Herbert G. Klein, John W. Dean III, Tod R. Hullin, Roland L. Elliott, Ronald L. Ziegler, Geoffrey C. Shepard, Melvin R. Laird, Jonathan C. Rose, John R. Brown III, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Rose Mary Woods, Anne Armstrong, Gerald L. Warren, Hugh W. Sloan, Jr., Michael B. Smith, David N. Parker and Noble M. Melencamp. Related subject categories in the White House Central Files include Federal Government (FG) files for concerned agencies, commissions and White House staff members; Local Governments (LG), President (Personal) (PP) and Public Relations (PR). The Name File and the Staff Members and Office Files also hold materials related to this category.

The Executive files typically contain communications among White House staff members and with heads of agencies, members of Congress and other important correspondents. Although General file material overlaps in type that of the Executive files - most notably in that both files usually contain exchanges with members of Congress - it is more likely to be composed primarily of communications with state and local officials, representatives of concerned organizations and the general public.


Topics covered include the Administration's crime prevention program; centralization of litigation authority in the Department of Justice; law and order; court reform; law enforcement and criminal justice system; section 1121-1126 of the Criminal Code Reform Act; espionage and related offenses; electronic surveillance and wiretapping.


Topics covered include enforcement of the Selective Service law; pardon matters; requests and recommendations for Presidential pardon; amnesty for deserters and draft dodgers; exoneration of Dr. Samuel Mudd; Office of the Pardon Attorney; violations of the Internal Revenue Code; petitions to the President for commutation of sentence, and Federal marihuana laws.


This series consists of 925 applications for pardons and commutation of sentences approved by the President. Each application has a description of the crime and the justification for the pardon request. Included is a copy of the December 1971 application for clemency of James Riddle Hoffa, noted Teamsters Union President. He was convicted of "endeavoring to impede jurors in the discharge of their duties" and the pardon was requested due to his wife’s poor health. The original can be found in the White House Central Files: Staff Member and Office Files [SMOF]: J. Fred Buzhardt: Box 72. Included in Appendix A is a list with information on each application.



Topics covered include appropriations for claims and judgments rendered against the United States; the Attorney General's control over government's litigation authority; bankruptcy laws; legality of the Vietnam War; eighteen year old vote; the President's Proclamation #24187 entitled "Proclamation of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards"; publication of classified material; malpractice suits; Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) funded lawsuits against the Department of Agriculture, and claims filed against the President and other government officials respecting damages caused by Washington, D.C. riots.


Topics covered include anti-trust impediments to mergers; International Telephone and Telegram Co. (ITT) case, and the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) activities.


Topics covered include crime in Washington, D.C.; crime and law enforcement; the President's message on crime in the District of Columbia; gun control; Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs initiatives; crime control and improvements in the criminal justice system in the District of Columbia; Administration's crime control program; crime statistics; drug abuse; crime legislation; the President's Executive Order #11517 entitled "Providing for the Issuance and Signature by the Secretary of State of Warrants Appointing Agents to Return Fugitives from Justice Extradited to the United States"; violence and bombings in the country; the President's Executive Order #11534 entitled "Establishing the National Council on Organized Crime"; police slayings; criminal justice information system; USSR Jews and dissidents; air piracy; hijackings; restoration of the death penalty, and drug traffic. Both the Executive and General files contain heavy correspondence relating to the Watergate affair. From May 1973 to August 1974 the correspondence relates almost entirely to the President and Watergate matters.


Topics covered include the shooting of George C. Wallace, and the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Topics covered include the hijacking of aircraft; seizure of U.S. fishing boats by Latin American countries; the President's draft statement on hijacking; air transportation security; Administration's anti-hijacking program, and the return of hostages in Jordan.


Topics covered include the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


Topics covered include Presidential authority to impound appropriated funds.



Topics covered include Federal Government promotion of racial integration through housing programs; tax exempt private schools and discriminatory admissions policies; Supreme Court ruling on death penalty, and the President's authority to negotiate arrangements with foreign steel producers limiting their exports to the United States.


Topics covered include Annual Reports of Federal Activities in Juvenile Delinquency, Youth Development and Related Fields; juvenile justice; legislation; juvenile crime problem, and the Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act.


Topics covered include attacks on law enforcement officials and school disruptions; Law Enforcement Assistance Agency (LEAA); bombings and bomb threats; police slayings; support of law enforcement entities and police officers; the FBI's support function for local law enforcement; law and order; possible consolidation of police precincts in the District of Columbia; the Executive Protection Service, and the Black Panthers.


Topics covered include Secret Service protection for former Vice President Agnew.


Topics covered include OEO Legal Services Programs; Federal financed legal aid for the poor; Administration's relations with the bar; public interest law firms; proposed Legal Services Corporation; California Rural Legal Assistance Program, and the White House legal staff.


Topics covered include American civilians missing in Southeast Asia, and provisions of the Federal Kidnapping Statute respecting the FBI.


Topics covered include the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission; Annual Reports of the Office of Alien Property; return of the crown of St. Stephen to Hungary, and U.S. claims against Czechoslovakia.

Folder Title List

Box 1

EX JL Judicial-Legal Matters 1969-1970 [1 of 3]
EX JL Judicial-Legal Matters 1971-1972 [2 of 3]
EX JL Judicial-Legal Matters 1973-1974 [3 of 3]
GEN JL Judicial-Legal Matters 1968-1969 [1 of 4]
GEN JL Judicial-Legal Matters 1970 [2 of 4]
GEN JL Judicial-Legal Matters 1971 [3 of 4]
GEN JL Judicial-Legal Matters 1972-1974 [4 of 4]

Box 2

EX JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 1969-4/1971 [1 of 5]
EX JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 5/1971-4/1972 [2 of 5]
EX JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 5/1972-5/1973
EX JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 6/1973-12/1973 [4 of 5]
EX JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 1974 [5 of 5]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 1968-6/1969 [1 of 14]

Box 3

GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 7/1969-2/1970 [2 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 3/1970-4/1970 [3 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 5/1970-12/1970 [4 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 1/1971-7/1971 [5 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 8/1971-1/1972 [6 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 2/1972-3/1972 [7 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 4/1972-7/1972 [8 of 14]

Box 4

GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 8/1972-11/1972 [9 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 1972-3/8/1972 [10 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 3/12/1973-5/1973 [11 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 6/1973-12/1973 [12 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 1/1974-4/11/1974 [13 of 14]
GEN JL 1 Amnesties-Clemency-Pardon 4/12/1974-7/1974 [14 of 14]

Box 5

EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [1 of 11]
EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [2 of 11]
EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [3 of 11]
EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [4 of 11]
EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [5 of 11]
EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [6 of 11]

Box 6

EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [7 of 11]
EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [8 of 11]
EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [9 of 11]
EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [10 of 11]
EX JL 1-1 Approved Applications 1969-1970 [11 of 11]
GEN JL 1-1 Approved Applications [See Appendix A for folder title list]
EX JL 1-2 Disapproved Applications
GEN JL 1-2 Disapproved Applications [Empty]

Box 7

EX JL 2 Civil Matters 1969 [1 of 10]
EX JL 2 Civil Matters 1/1970-6/1970 [2 of 10]
EX JL 2 Civil Matters 7/1970-12/1970 [3 of 10]
EX JL 2 Civil Matters 7/1971-8/1971 [4 of 10]
EX JL 2 Civil Matters 9/1971-3/10/1972 [5 of 10]
EX JL 2 Civil Matters 3/14/1972-4/1972 [6 of 10]

Box 8

EX JL 2 Civil Matters 5/1972-12/1972 [7 of 10]
EX JL 2 Civil Matters 1/1973-6/1973 [8 of 10]
EX JL 2 Civil Matters 7/1973-10/1973 [9 of 10]
EX JL 2 Civil Matters 11/1973-1974 [10 of 10]
GEN JL 2 Civil Matters 1969 [1 of 5]
GEN JL 2 Civil Matters 1970 [2 of 5]

Box 9

GEN JL 2 Civil Matters 1971 [3 of 5]
GEN JL 2 Civil Matters 1972-6/1973
GEN JL 2 Civil Matters 8/1973-1974
EX JL 2-1 Anti-Trust Cases 1969-1971 [1 of 2]
EX JL 2-1 Anti-Trust Cases 1972-1974 [2 of 2]
GEN JL 2-1 Anti-Trust Cases

Box 10

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/1969-2/1969 [1 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/1969-6/1969 [2 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/1969-9/1969 [3 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 10/1969-11/1969 [4 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/1969-1/1970 [5 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/1970-3/11/1970 [6 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/12/1970-3/31/1970 [7 of 89]

Box 11

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/1970-7/10/1970 [8 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/23/1970-8/1970 [9 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/1970-12/1970 [10 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/1971-3/1971 [11 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/1971-5/1971 [12 of 89]

Box 12

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/1971-7/1971 [13 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/1971-10/1971 [14 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/1971 [15 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/1971-3/1972 [16 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/1972-6/1972 [17 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/1972-8/9/1972 [18 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/10/1972-8/29/1972 [19 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/1972-10/1972 [20 of 89]

Box 13

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/1972-2/1973 [21 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/1/1973-3/14/1973 [22 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/15/1973-4/13/1973 [23 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/16/1973-4/30/1973 [24 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/2/1973-5/12/1973 [25 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/15/1973-5/22/1973 [26 of 89]

Box 14

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/23/1973-5/29/1973 [27 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/30/1973-6/4/1973 [28 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1973 [29 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1973 [30 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1973 [31 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1973 [32 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1973 [33 of 89]

Box 15

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1973 [34 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1973 [35 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1973-6/5/1973 [36 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/5/1973 [37 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/5/1973-6/7/1973 [38 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/7/1973-6/8/1973 [39 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/9/1973-6/12/1973 [40 of 89]

Box 16

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/13/1973-6/14/1973 [41 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/15/1973-6/19/1973 [42 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/20/1973-6/21/1973 [43 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/22/1973-6/25/1973 [44 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/25/1973 [45 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/26/1973-6/28/1973 [46 of 89]

Box 17

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/28/1973-6/29/1973 [47 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/2/1973-7/6/1973 [48 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/6/1973-7/10/1973 [49 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/11/1973-7/16/1973 [50 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/171973-7/18/1973 [51 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/19/1973-7/23/1973 [52 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/24/1973-7/31/1973 [53 of 89]

Box 18

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/1/1973-8/2/1973 [54 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/3/1973-8/8/1973 [55 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/9/1973-8/14/1973 [56 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/15/1973-8/31/1973 [57 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/4/1973-9/10/1973 [58 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/11/1973-9/12/1973 [59 of 89]

Box 19

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/13/1973-9/18/1973 [60 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/19/1973-9/24/1973 [61 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/25/1973-9/28/1973 [62 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 10/1/1973-10/23/1973 [63 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 10/24/1973-11/5/1973 [64 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/6/1973-11/11/1973 [65 of 89]

Box 20

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/12/1973-11/13/1973 [66 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/14/1973 [67 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/15/1973-11/17/1973 [68 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/19/1973-11/20/1973 [69 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/21/1973 [70 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/26/1973-11/27/1973 [71 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/28/1973-12/3/1973 [72 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/4/1973-12/10/1973 [73 of 89]

Box 21

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/11/1973-12/20/1973 [74 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/21/1973-1/14/1974 [75 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/15/1974-1/22/1974 [76 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/23/1974-1/31/1974 [77 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/1/1974-2/12/1974 [78 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/13/1974-2/22/1974 [79 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/25/1974-3/4/1974 [80 of 89]

Box 22

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/5/1974-3/20/1974 [81 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/21/1974-4/8/1974 [82 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/9/1974-4/25/1974 [83 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/26/1974-5/9/1974 [84 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/13/1974-5/16/1974 [85 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/17/1974-5/29/1974 [86 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/30/1974-6/11/1974 [87 of 89]

Box 23

EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/14/1974-7/12/1974 [88 of 89]
EX JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/12/1974-8/8/1974 [89 of 89]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1969-2/13/1969 [1 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/14/1969-2/28/1969 [2 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/1969 [3 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/1/1969-4/23/1969 [4 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/24/1969-5/1969 [5 of 121]

Box 24

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/1969-7/14/1969 [6 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/15/1969-9/12/1969 [7 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/14/1969-10/1969 [8 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/1969-12/1969 [9 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/1970-2/1970 [10 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/1970 [11 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/1970-5/1970 [12 of 121]

Box 25

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/1970-7/20/1970 [13 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/18/1970-9/1970 [14 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/18/1970-9/1970 [15 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 10/1970 [16 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/1970-12/1970 [17 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/1971-2/1971 [18 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/1971-5/1971 [19 of 121]

Box 26

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/1971-9/1971 [20 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 10/1971-12/1971 [21 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/1972-2/1972 [22 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/1972-5/1972 [23 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/1972-7/1972 [24 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/1972-9/1972 [25 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 10/1972-12/1972 [26 of 121]

Box 27

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/1973-4/16/1973 [27 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/18/1973-5/8/1973 [28 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/1973-5/17/1973 [29 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/18/1973-5/29/1973 [30 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/30/1973-6/3/1973 [31 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1973-6/5/1973 [32 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/6/1973-6/7/1973 [33 of 121]

Box 28

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/8/1973-6/12/1973 [34 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/13/1973-6/14/1973 [35 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/15/1973-6/19/1973 [36 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/20/1973-6/27/1973 [37 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/28/1973-7/5/1973 [38 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/6/1973-7/11/1973 [39 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/12/1973-7/16/1973 [40 of 121]

Box 29

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/17/1973-7/19/1973 [41 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/20/1973-7/23/1973 [42 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/24/1973-7/26/1973 [43 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/27/1973-7/30/1973 [44 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/31/1973-8/1/1973 [45 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/2/1973-8/6/1973 [46 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/6/1973-8/7/1973 [47 of 121]

Box 30

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/7/1973 [48 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/8/1973 [49 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/8/1973-8/9/1973 [50 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/9/1973 [51 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/10/1973-8/13/1973 [52 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/14/1973 [53 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/14/1973 [54 of 121]

Box 31

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/14/1973 [55 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/15/1973 [56 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/15/1973 [57 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/16/1973 [58 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/17/1973-8/21/1973 [59 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/23/1971 [60 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/23/1971 [61 of 121]

Box 32

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/23/1973 [62 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/24/1973-8/27/1973 [63 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 8/28/1973-9/4/1973 [64 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/4/1973 [65 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/4/1973 [66 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/5/1973 [67 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/6/1973 [68 of 121]

Box 33

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/7/1973-9/11/1973 [69 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/12/1973 [70 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/13/1973-9/17/1973 [71 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/18/1973-9/24/1973 [72 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 9/25/1973-10/2/1973 [73 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 10/3/1973-10/17/1973 [74 of 121]

Box 34

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 10/18/1973-11/4/1973 [75 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/5/1973-11/6/1973 [76 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/7/1973-11/8/1973 [77 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/9/1973-11/12/1973 [78 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/13/1973 [79 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/14/1973-11/15/1973 [80 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/15/1973 [81 of 121]

Box 35

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/16/1973-11/20/1973 [82 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/21/1973 [83 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/23/1973-11/26/1973 [84 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 11/27/1973-11/30/1973 [85 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/2/1973-12/4/1973 [86 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/5/1973-12/10/1973 [87 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/11/1973-12/12/1973 [88 of 121]

Box 36

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/13/1973-12/19/1973 [89 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 12/20/1973-12/28/1973 [90 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/3/1974-1/14/1974 [91 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/14/1974-1/15/1974 [92 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/16/1974-1/21/1974 [93 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/22/1974-1/27/1974 [94 of 121]

Box 37

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/28/1974-1/29/1974 [95 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 1/30/1974 [96 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/1/1974-2/5/1974 [97 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/6/1974-2/7/1974 [98 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/8/1974-2/13/1974 [99 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/14/1974-2/20/1974 [100 of 121]

Box 38

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/21/1974-2/26/1974 [101 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/27/1974-3/4/1974 [102 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/5/1974-3/12/1974 [103 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/13/1974-3/20/1974 [104 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/21/1974-3/27/1974 [105 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 3/28/1974-4/4/1974 [106 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/6/1974-4/12/1974 [107 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/15/1974-4/23/1974 [108 of 121]

Box 39

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 4/24/1974-5/1/1974 [109 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/2/1974-5/9/1974 [110 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/10/1974-5/14/1974 [111 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/15/1974-5/16/1974 [112 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/20/1974 [113 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/21/1974-5/22/1974[114 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/23/1974-5/26/1974 [115 of 121]

Box 40

GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 5/28/1974-6/3/1974 [116 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/4/1974-6/6/1974 [117 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/7/1974-6/20/1974 [118 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 6/21/1974-7/2/1974 [119 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 7/8/1974-7/10/1974 [120 of 121]
GEN JL 3 Criminal Matters 2/11/1974-8/2/1974 [121 of 121]
EX JL 3-1 Assassination or Attempted Assassination
GEN JL 3-1 Assassination or Attempted Assassination
EX JL 3-1/A-Z Assassination or Attempted Assassination

Box 41

GEN JL 3-1/A-Z Assassination or Attempted Assassination
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 1969-7/1970 [1 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 9/8/1970-9/10/1970 [2 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 9/11/1970-9/26/1970 [3 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 10/6/1970-10/27/1970 [4 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 10/30/1970 [5 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 11/1970-3/1971 [6 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 4/1971-9/1971 [7 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 10/1971-12/1971 [8 of 13]

Box 42

EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 2/1972-6/1972 [9 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 7/1972-8/1972 [10 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 9/1972-10/1972 [11 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 1/1973-2/1973 [12 of 13]
EX JL 3-2 Hijacking 3/1973-1974 [13 of 13]
GEN JL 3-2 Hijacking 1/1969-9/1969 [1 of 9]
GEN JL 3-2 Hijacking 10/1969-9/10/1970 [2 of 9]
GEN JL 3-2 Hijacking 9/11/1970-9/15/1970 [3 of 9]

Box 43

GEN JL 3-2 Hijacking 9/16/1970-9/19/1970 [4 of 9]
GEN JL 3-2 Hijacking 9/21/1970-9/27/1970 [5 of 9]
GEN JL 3-2 Hijacking 9/28/1970-10/15/1970 [6 of 9]
GEN JL 3-2 Hijacking 10/16/1970-6/1972 [7 of 9]
GEN JL 3-2 Hijacking 7/1972-12/11/1972 [8 of 9]
GEN JL 3-2 Hijacking 12/12/1972-1974 [9 of 9]
EX JL 4 Decisions-Opinions-Interpretations
GEN JL 4 Decisions-Opinions-Interpretations
EX JL 4-1 Attorney General
GEN JL 4-1 Attorney General [Empty]
EX JL 4-2 Comptroller General
GEN JL 4-2 Comptroller General

Box 44

EX JL 4-3 Judicial 1969 [1 of 6]
EX JL 4-3 Judicial 3/1970-4/1971 [2 of 6]
EX JL 4-3 Judicial 5/1971-9/1971 [3 of 6]
EX JL 4-3 Judicial 10/1971-9/1972 [4 of 6]
EX JL 4-3 Judicial 10/1972-1/1973 [5 of 6]
EX JL 4-3 Judicial 2/1973-1974 [6 of 6]
GEN JL 4-3 Judicial
EX JL 5 Juvenile Delinquency 1970-1972 [1 of 2]
EX JL 5 Juvenile Delinquency 1973-1974 [2 of 2]

Box 45

EX JL 5 Juvenile Delinquency 1969 [1 of 3]
EX JL 5 Juvenile Delinquency 1/1970-5/1970 [2 of 3]
EX JL 5 Juvenile Delinquency 1/1970-5/1970 [3 of 3]
EX JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 1969-2/1970 [1 of 8]
EX JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 3/1970-9/1970 [2 of 8]
EX JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 10/1970-5/1971 [3 of 8]
EX JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 6/1/1971-6/17/1971 [4 of 8]
EX JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 6/18/1971-9/1971 [5 of 8]

Box 46

EX JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 10/1971-4/1972 [6 of 8]
EX JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 5/1972-9/1972 [7 of 8]
EX JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 10/1972-1974 [8 of 8]
GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 1969-6/1969 [1 of 10]
GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 7/1969-10/1969 [2 of 10]
GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 11/1969-1/20/1970 [3 of 10]
GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 1/21/1970-2/1970 [4 of 10]
GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 3/1970-5/1970 [5 of 10]

Box 47

GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 6/1970-8/1970 [6 of 10]
GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 9/1970-3/1971 [7 of 10]
GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 4/1971-12/1971 [8 of 10]
GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 1/1972-9/1972 [9 of 10]
GEN JL 6 Law Enforcement-Police Matters 10/1972-10/1974 [10 of 10]
EX JL 6-1 Secret Service Protection for Former Presidents, etc.
GEN JL 6-1 Secret Service Protection for Former Presidents, etc.
EX JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 1969-3/1970 [1 of 4]
EX JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 4/1970-2/1971 [2 of 4]
EX JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 4/1971-1972 [3 of 4]

Box 48

EX JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 1973-1974 [4 of 4]
GEN JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 1969 [1 of 6]
GEN JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 1/1970-5/1970 [2 of 6]
GEN JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 6/1970-12/1970 [3 of 6]
GEN JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 1971-2/1973 [4 of 6]
GEN JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 3/1973-4/19/1973 [5 of 6]
GEN JL 7 Lawyers-Legal Aid 4/23/1974-1974 [6 of 6]
EX JL 8 Missing Persons

Box 49

GEN JL 8 Missing Persons
EX JL 9 War Claims-Alien Property 1969-3/1970 [1 of 4]
EX JL 9 War Claims-Alien Property 11/1970-1972 [2 of 4]
EX JL 9 War Claims-Alien Property 1/1973-9/1973 [3 of 4]
EX JL 9 War Claims-Alien Property 10/1973-1974 [4 of 4]
GEN JL 9 War Claims-Alien Property 1969-9/1970 [1 of 4]
GEN JL 9 War Claims-Alien Property 10/1970-8/1971 [2 of 4]
GEN JL 9 War Claims-Alien Property 11/1971-1972 [3 of 4]
GEN JL 9 War Claims-Alien Property 1973-1974 [4 of 4]



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