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FI (Finance)

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Scope and Content Note

The subject category is composed of correspondence, notes, petitions, White House referrals and cross references, charts and graphs, clippings and printed materials. Correspondents include Peter Flanigan, John Ehrlichman. H. R. Haldeman, Paul McCracken, Herbert Klein, George Shultz, Robert Mayo, Dwight Chapin, Noble Melencamp, Kenneth BeLieu, Bryce Harlow, Tom Korologos, Kenneth Cole, Henry Kissinger, Edwin Harper, William Timmons, Patrick Buchanan, Robert Finch, Roland Elliott, Frederic Malek, Arthur Burns, Richard Cook, Roy Ash, John Brown III, Preston Martin, Kenneth Dam, George Romney, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Related subject categories in the White House Central Files include Federal Government--Organizations (FG), Business--Economics (BE), Public Relations (PR), Meetings-Conferences (MC), Federal Aid (FA), Real Property (RA), National Security--Defense (ND), Speeches (SP), Human Rights (HU), Legislation (LE), Health (HE), Disasters (DI), and Welfare (WE). The Name File and the Staff Member and Office Files also hold materials related to this subject category, as do the Staff Member and Office Files and White House Central Files groups which were taken into the White House Special Files.


Topics covered include, most importantly, the weekly reports to the President of the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors; and secondarily, the meetings of the Troika (composed of the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the director of the Bureau of the Budget), and of the Quadriad (composed of the chairmen of the Council of Economic Advisors and the Federal Reserve Board, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Secretary of the Treasury), budgetary procedures, the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (1969), and the recommendations of the Hunt Commission Report on bank reserve requirements.


Topics covered include accounting practices, and particularly the practices used by the Government, and specific questions about Government expenditures.


Topics covered include estimating tax revenues, revenue proposals (including user fees for airports), federal lands, inland waterways, and the Panama Canal.


Topics covered include estimates of and proposals regarding Government expenditures, inflation, tax policy, revenue projections, the effects of funding cuts, Presidential disbursement orders, the Federal Economy Act of 1970 and subsequent attempts to reduce, terminate or restructure Federal programs, Presidential impoundment of funds, George McGovern's spending proposals, and expenditures on the President's personal residences and on Watergate-related matters. Beginning in 1973, the Executive File takes on a bulk mail character.



The topic covered is violation of the Antideficiency Act (subsection a of section 3679 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, 31 U.S.C. 665). The series holds memoranda from agency heads to the President, reporting on violations.


Topics covered include banking regulations, interest rates, the money supply, liquidity problems, Government support for minority-owned banks, bank and saving and loan mergers, legislation affecting the banking industry, and bank participation in Government housing programs.


Topics covered include U.S. Treasury financings, savings bonds sales and drives, tax reform proposals, stock and bond market movements, regulation of securities markets and firms, capital investment plans of business, taxation of state and municipal bonds, and individuals' complains against the securities industry.


Topics covered include development of the Federal budget, specific budget requests and funding proposals, appropriation authorization bills, the identification of policy issues, the 1970 appropriation bill for the Labor and Health, Education and Welfare Departments, Presidential messages to Congress on budgetary matters, and the funding of international financial institutions, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, and the United Nations.


Topics covered include agency by agency budget preparation, requests for supplemental appropriations, administration discussion of proposed appropriation bills, Presidential vetoes of specific appropriation bills, Congressional and public opinion on specific appropriation bills, anti-war amendments to military spending bills, the release of impounded funds, and public support for the funding of cancer research.

This series is arranged in three subseries, one each for 1969-1970, 1971-1972, and 1973-1974; each subseries is arranged by FG number--that is, by the sequence of numbers assigned by the White House Central Files Manual to the subject category FG, Federal Government--Organizations. The 1969-1970 subseries includes a group of materials filed under FG without a file number; these are filed at the beginning of the subseries.


Topics covered include the appropriation for the International Labor Organization, and that for the United Nations peacekeeping force.


Topics covered include the declaration of disasters, and supplemental disaster area allocations.


The topic covered is supplemental allocations from the President's Emergency Fund.


FI 4-2/Year and File Number

Topics covered include estimates of needed supplemental allocations, proposed supplemental appropriations, and amendments to appropriation requests.


Topics covered include Government loan programs, U.S. Treasury financings, interest rate levels, credit controls, unsolicited credit card legislation, and proposals relating to a potential liquidity crisis.


Topics covered include Federal loan program for agriculture (those of the Farmer's Home Administration, the Rural Electrification Administration, the Rural Telephone Loan Program, and the Rural Environmental Assistance Program), agricultural credit availability, support prices of wheat and feed grains, the Rural Development Act, and the Emergency Livestock Credit Act.


The topic covered is the Government loan guarantee for the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation.



Topics covered include the Government's loan programs and mortgage pooling activities for housing (those of the Federal Housing Administration, the Farmers Home Administration, the Federal National Mortgage Association, and the Government National Mortgage Association), mortgage interest rate levels, inflation, the secondary mortgage market, low and middle income housing, and the reallocation of mortgage funds to disaster relief.


The main topic covered is Federal loan guarantees for the Penn Central Railroad.


Topics covered include the Student Loan Marketing Association, the National Council on Educational Research, and Federal aid for education generally, and specifically for black colleges and parochial schools.


The main topic covered is Federal student loan programs.


Topics covered include Small Business Administration loans and disaster assistance, and particularly loans for minority businesses, veterans, and the rebuilding of ghetto areas.



Topics covered include the National Credit Union Administration, Federal insurance for credit union accounts, certification of credit unions, Federal policy toward marginally viable credit unions, and the Federal Credit Union Act.


The main topic covered is the appropriation of funds for special purposes--such as disaster relief, farmers' loans, and the expenses of Presidential commissions and task forces--from the President's Emergency Fund.


Topics covered include interest rate levels and their effects on the economy, inflation, rates of return on U.S. Savings Bonds, and public and Congressional opposition to high interest rates.


Topics covered include proposals for the restructuring of the international monetary system, international currency flows and exchange rates, devaluation of the dollar, convertibility of the dollar into gold, foreign dollar reserves, the money supply, inflation, balance of payments problems, the import surcharge, the prohibition of the owning of gold by American citizens, buy-American restrictions in job development grants, and the coinage of the Eisenhower dollar and of bicentennial coins.


Topics covered include national debt ceiling legislation, and public views on the national debt and individual contributions toward paying it off.


Topics covered include tax reform legislation, tax and tax-exemption proposals (the value-added tax, the gasoline tax, social security taxes, the interest equalization tax; exemption for private schools, of municipal bond interest, for foreign taxes paid, for the elderly), revenue sharing, investment credits, the income tax surcharge, withholding, presidential campaign financing, the effect of inflation on taxes, and George McGovern's reform proposals.


Topics covered include international estate and gift conventions, excise, gasoline and excess profits taxes, the effects of proposed tax changes on charitable giving, and public views on tax policy.




Topics covered include income tax conventions with foreign countries, extension of the surtax, tax exemptions and credits (for public interest law firms, for income from municipal bonds, for private schools, for manpower training), tax reform, the oil depletion allowance, the interest equalization tax, the capital gains tax, depreciation rules, tax deductions and incentives, access to tax returns by the administration and by Congress, taxation of foreign earnings of American corporations, tax relief for the U.S.S. Pueblo crew, public opinion on tax rates and rules, and individual taxpayer complaints about the Internal Revenue Service.


Topics covered include depreciation, property tax reform, the financing of public schools, property tax relief for the elderly, the deductibility of real estate taxes, and the report of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.


Folder Title List

Box 1

EX FI Finance 1/1969-5/1970 [1 of 14]
EX FI Finance 6/1970-8/1970 [2 of 14]
EX FI Finance 9/1970-12/1970 [3 of 14]
EX FI Finance 1/1971-4/1971 [4 of 14]
EX FI Finance 5/1971-12/1971 [5 of 14]
EX FI Finance 1/1972-3/1972 [6 of 14]
EX FI Finance 4/1972-6/1972 [7 of 14]
EX FI Finance 7/1972-9/1972 [8 of 14]

Box 2

EX FI Finance 10/1972-12/1972 [9 of 14]
EX FI Finance 1/1973-4/1973 [10 of 14]
EX FI Finance 5/1973-7/1973 [11 of 14]
EX FI Finance 8/1973-12/1973 [12 of 14]
EX FI Finance 1/1974-4/1974 [13 of 14]
EX FI Finance 5/1974-8/1974 [14 of 14]
GEN FI Finance

Box 3

EX FI 1 Accounting
GEN FI 1 Accounting 1969-1972
EX FI 1-1 Collections--Receipts 1969-1970 [1 of 2]
EX FI 1-1 Collections--Receipts 1971-1974 [2 of 2]
GEN FI 1-1 Collections--Receipts 1969-1970 [1 of 3]
GEN FI 1-1 Collections--Receipts 1971 [2 of 3]
GEN FI 1-1 Collections--Receipts 1972-1974 [3 of 3]

Box 4

EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 11]
EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 7/1969-12/1969 [2 of 11]
EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1/1970-4/1970 [3 of 11]
EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 5/1970-6/1970 [4 of 11]
EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 7/1970-9/1970 [5 of 11]
EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 10/1970-12/1970 [6 of 11]

Box 5

EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1971 [7 of 11]
EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1/1972-7/1972 [8 of 11]
EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 8/1972-12/1972 [9 of 11]
EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1/1973-3/1973 [10 of 11]
EX FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 4/1973-7/1974 [11 of 11]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 12]

Box 6

GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 7/1969-8/1969 [2 of 12]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 9/1969-12/1969 [3 of 12]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1/1970-3/1970 [4 of 12]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 4/1970-7/1970 [5 of 12]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 8/1970-12/1970 [6 of 12]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1971 [7 of 12]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1/1972-8/1972 [8 of 12]

Box 7

GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 9/1972-12/1972 [9 of 12]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 1/1973-3/1973 [10 of 12]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 4/1973 [11 of 12]
GEN FI 1-2 Disbursements--Expenditures 5/1973-7/1974 [12 of 12]
GEN FI 1-3 Irregularities 1974
GEN FI 1-3 Irregularities 1973
EX FI 1-3-1 Violations of Antideficiency Act 1969-1970 [1 of 3]
EX FI 1-3-1 Violations of Antideficiency Act 1971-1972 [2 of 3]

Box 8

EX FI 1-3-1 Violations of Antideficiency Act 1973-1974 [3 of 3]
GEN FI 1-3-1 Violations of Antideficiency Act [Empty]
EX FI 2 Banks--Banking 1969 [1 of 8]
EX FI 2 Banks--Banking 1970 [2 of 8]
EX FI 2 Banks--Banking 1/1971-7/13/1971 [3 of 8]
EX FI 2 Banks--Banking 7/23/1971 [4 of 8]
EX FI 2 Banks--Banking 8/1971-9/1971 [5 of 8]

Box 9

EX FI 2 Banks--Banking 10/1971-12/1971 [6 of 8]
EX FI 2 Banks--Banking 1972 [7 of 8]
EX FI 2 Banks--Banking 1973-7/1974 [8 of 8]
GEN FI 2 Banks--Banking 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 7]
GEN FI 2 Banks--Banking 7/1969-12/1969 [2 of 7]

Box 10

GEN FI 2 Banks--Banking 1/1970-4/1970 [3 of 7]
GEN FI 2 Banks--Banking 5/1970-12/1970 [4 of 7]
GEN FI 2 Banks--Banking 1972 [5 of 7]
GEN FI 2 Banks--Banking 1972 [6 of 7]
GEN FI 2 Banks--Banking 1973-8/1974 [7 of 7]

Box 11

EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1/1969-4/23/1969 [1 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 4/25/1969-12/1969 [2 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1/1970-4/1970 [3 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 5/1970-7/1970 [4 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 8/1970-11/1970 [5 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 12/1970 [6 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1/1971-4/1971 [7 of 14]

Box 12

EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 5/1971-6/1971 [8 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 7/1971-9/1971 [9 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 10/1971-12/1971 [10 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1/1972-5/1972 [11 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 6/1972-12/1972 [12 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1/1973-7/1973 [13 of 14]
EX FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 8/1973-1974 [14 of 14]

Box 13

GEN FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 8]
GEN FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 7/1969-8/1969 [2 of 8]
GEN FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 9/1969-12/1969 [3 of 8]
GEN FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1/1970-5/1970 [4 of 8]
GEN FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 6/1970-12/1970 [5 of 8]
GEN FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1971 [6 of 8]
GEN FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1972 [7 of 8]

Box 14

GEN FI 3 Bonds--Stocks--Investments 1973-1974 [8 of 8]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1969-3/1969 [1 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/1/1969-4/14/1969 [2 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/15/1969 [3 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/17/1969-6/1969 [4 of 50]

Box 15

EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 7/1969-8/1969 [5 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 9/1969-10/1969 [6 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 11/1969 [7 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 12/1969 [8 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1/1970-1/5/1970 [9 of 50]

Box 16

EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/6/1970-1/9/1970 [10 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/10/1970 [11 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/11/1970-1/25/1970 [12 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/26/1970 [13 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/27/1970-2/10/1970 [14 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 2/11/1970 [15 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 2/12/1970-2/28/1970 [16 of 50]

Box 17

EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 3/1/1970-3/14/1970 [17 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 3/15/1970-3/31/1970 [18 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/1970 [19 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 5/1970 [20 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 6/1970 [21 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 7/1970 [22 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 8/1970 [23 of 50]

Box 18

EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 9/1970-10/1970 [24 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 11/1970-12/1970 [25 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1971-3/1971 [26 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/1971-6/1971 [27 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 7/1971-8/1971 [28 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 9/1971-10/20/1971 [29 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 10/21/1971-12/1971 [30 of 50]

Box 19

EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1972-2/1972 [31 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 3/1972 [32 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/1972-6/1972 [33 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 7/1972-8/1972 [34 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 9/1972-10/1972 [35 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 11/1972 [36 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 12/1/1972-12/15/1972 [37 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 12/16/1972-12/29/1972 [38 of 50]

Box 20

EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1973 [39 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 2/1973 [40 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 3/1973 [41 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/1/1973-4/15/1973 [42 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/16/1973-4/30/1973 [43 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 5/1973-6/1973 [44 of 50]

Box 21

EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 7/1973-8/1973 [45 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 10/1973-11/1973 [46 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 12/1973 [47 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1974 [48 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 2/1974-6/1974 [49 of 50]
EX FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 7/1974 [50 of 50]

Box 22

GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 7/1969-10/1969 [2 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 11/1969-12/1969 [3 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1970 [4 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 2/1970 [5 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 3/1970 [6 of 13]

Box 23

GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/1970-12/1970 [7 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1971 [8 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1972-7/1972 [9 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 8/1972-12/1972 [10 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1/1973-3/1973 [11 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 4/1973-12/1973 [12 of 13]
GEN FI 4 Budget--Appropriations 1974 [13 of 13]

Box 24

EX FI 4/FG Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-8/1970 [1 of 2]
EX FI 4/FG Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 9/1970-12/1970 [2 of 2]
EX FI 4/FG 6-FG 12 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
EX FI 4/FG 13-FG 18 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970

Box 25

EX FI 4/FG 19-FG 20 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
EX FI 4/FG 21-FG 22 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
EX FI 4/FG 23 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 4/1969-8/1969 [1 of 3]
EX FI 4/FG 23 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 9/1969-4/1970 [2 of 3]
EX FI 4/FG 23 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 8/1970-10/1970 [3 of 3]
EX FI 4/FG 24-FG 25 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970

Box 26

EX FI 4/FG 40-FG 99 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
EX FI 4/FG 100-FG 129 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
EX FI 4/FG 130-FG 169 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
EX FI 4/FG 170-FG 189 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
EX FI 4/FG 190-FG 250 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970

Box 27

EX FI 4/FG 6-2-FG 13 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 14-6-FG 20-13 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 21-FG 22 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 23 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 23-6-FG 25-8 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government1971-1972

Box 28

EX FI 4/FG 66-FG 90 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 103-FG 106-17 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 109-FG 170 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 174 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 175-FG 233 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 239-FG 325-1-1 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
EX FI 4/FG 6-FG 6-20 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974

Box 29

EX FI 4/FG 11 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
EX FI 4/FG 13 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974 [1 of 2]
EX FI 4/FG 13 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974 [2 of 2]
EX FI 4/FG 11-4-FG 12-11 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
EX FI 4/FG 14-6-FG 20 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
EX FI 4/FG 20-13-FG 22-6-3-1 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
EX FI 4/FG 23-FG 25-4 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974

Box 30

EX FI 4/FG 71-FG 78 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
EX FI 4/FG 103-FG 106 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
EX FI 4/FG 158-FG 198 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
EX FI 4/FG 224-FG 298 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
EX FI 4/FG 325-1-FG 370 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
GEN FI 4/FG Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
GEN FI 4/FG 6-1-FG 6-12 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970

Box 31

GEN FI 4/FG 11-FG 17 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
GEN FI 4/FG 18-FG 19-21 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
GEN FI 4/FG 20-FG 22-6-3-1 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
GEN FI 4/FG 23 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970 [1 of 3]
GEN FI 4/FG 23 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970 [2 of 3]
GEN FI 4/FG 23 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970 [3 of 3]

Box 32

GEN FI 4/FG 23-6 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
GEN FI 4/FG 23-6-1-FG 23-11 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
GEN FI 4/FG 24-FG 69 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
GEN FI 4/FG 78-FG 174-1 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970
GEN FI 4/FG 82-FG 233 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1969-1970

Box 33

GEN FI 4/FG 6-7-FG 22 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
GEN FI 4/FG 23-FG 23-9-1 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
GEN FI 4/FG 24-FG 164 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
GEN FI 4/FG 166-FG 325-1 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1971-1972
GEN FI 4/FG 6-7-FG 22-6-3-1 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
GEN FI 4/FG 23 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974
GEN FI 4/FG 23-8-1-FG 298 Budget--Appropriations/Federal Government 1973-1974

Box 34

EX FI 4/IT Budget--Appropriations/International Organizations 1971
GEN FI 4/IT Budget--Appropriations/International Organizations 1971
EX FI 4-1 Budget--Appropriations/Allocations 1969 [1 of 3]
EX FI 4-1 Budget--Appropriations/Allocations 1970 [2 of 3]
EX FI 4-1 Budget--Appropriations/Allocations 1971-1974 [3 of 3]
EX FI 4-1/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Allocations 1969-1970 [1 of 2]
EX FI 4-1/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Allocations 1971-1974 [2 of 2]
EX FI 4-1/IT Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/International Organizations [Empty]
GEN FI 4-1/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Allocations 1969-1970
GEN FI 4-1/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Allocations [Empty]
GEN FI 4-1/IT Budget--Appropriations/International Organizations
EX FI 4-2 Budget--Appropriations/Estimates
GEN FI 4-2 Budget--Appropriations/Estimates
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1969 without number to 1969/#7 [1 of 31]

Box 35

EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1969/#8 to 1969/#12 [2 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1969/#13 to 1969/#34 [3 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1970 without number to 1970/#2 [4 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1970/#3 to 1970/#12 [5 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1970/#13 to 1970/#29 [6 of 31]

Box 36

EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1970/#30 to 1970/#41 [7 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1970/#41 to 1970/#49 [8 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1971 without number to 1971/#20 [9 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1971/#21 to 1971/#30 [10 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1971/#31 to 1971/#40 [11 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1971/#41 to 1971/#51 [12 of 31]

Box 37

EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1972 without number to 1972/#4 [13 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1972/#5 to 1972/#13 [14 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1972/#14 to 1972/#24 [15 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1972/#25 to 1972/#33 [16 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1973 without number to 1973/#3 [17 of 31]

Box 38

EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1973/#4 to 1973/#11 [18 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1973/#12 to 1973/#20 [19 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1973/#21 to 1973/#30 [20 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1973/#31 to 1973/#35 [21 of 31]

Box 39

EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1973/#36 to 1973/#42 [22 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1973/#43 to 1973/#50 [23 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1974 without number to 1974/#2 [24 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1974/#3 to 1974/#10 [25 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1974/#11 to 1974/#19 [26 of 31]

Box 40

EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1974/#20 to 1974/#28 [27 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1974/#29 to 1974/#37 [28 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1974/#38 to 1974/#41 [29 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1974/#42 to 1974/#50 [30 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates 1974/#51 to 1974/#60 [31 of 31]
EX FI 4-2/Year/ST Budget--Appropriations/Estimates States-Territories [Empty]
GEN FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates prepared for 1971 only [Empty]
GEN FI 4-2/Year and File Number Budget--Appropriations/Estimates States-Territories 1971-1972 [Empty]

Box 41

EX FI 5 Credit--Loans 1/1969-4/1969 [1 of 5]
EX FI 5 Credit--Loans 5/1969-12/1969 [2 of 5]
EX FI 5 Credit--Loans 1970 [3 of 5]
EX FI 5 Credit--Loans 1971-1972 [4 of 5]
EX FI 5 Credit--Loans 1973-1974 [5 of 5]
GEN FI 5 Credit--Loans 1969 [1 of 4]

Box 42

GEN FI 5 Credit--Loans 1/1970-6/1970 [2 of 4]
GEN FI 5 Credit--Loans 7/1970-12/1970 [3 of 4]
GEN FI 5 Credit--Loans 1971-1974 [4 of 4]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 1969-1970 [1 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 1/1971-5/1971 [2 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 6/1971 [3 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 7/1971 [4 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 9/1971-4/1972 [5 of 16]

Box 43

EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 5/1972 [6 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 6/1972-9/1972 [7 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 10/2/1972-10/3/1972 [8 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 10/4/1972-12/1972 [9 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 1/1/1973-1/10/1973 [10 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 1/11/1973-1/31/1973 [11 of 16]

Box 44

EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 2/1973 [12 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 3/1973 [13 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 4/1/1973-4/15/1973 [14 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 4/16/1973-4/30/1973 [15 of 16]
EX FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 5/1973-1974 [16 of 16]
GEN FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 1969-2/1970 [1 of 8]
GEN FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 3/1970-7/1970 [2 of 8]

Box 45

GEN FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 8/1970-1971 [3 of 8]
GEN FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 1972 [4 of 8]
GEN FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 1/1973 [5 of 8]
GEN FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 2/1973 [6 of 8]
GEN FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 3/1973-4/1973 [7 of 8]
GEN FI 5-1 Credit--Loans/Agriculture 2/1973-1974 [8 of 8]
EX FI 5-2 Credit--Loans/Aircraft 1971-1972, 1974
GEN FI 5-2 Credit--Loans/Aircraft 1971-1972

Box 46

EX FI 5-3 Credit--Loans/Defense Production 1972
GEN FI 5-3 Credit--Loans/Defense Production 1971-1973
EX FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 1969 [1 of 10]
EX FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 1/1970-5/1970 [2 of 10]
EX FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 6/1970-12/1970 [3 of 10]
EX FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 1/1971-6/1971 [4 of 10]
EX FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 7/1971-12/1971 [5 of 10]
EX FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 1/1972-7/1972 [6 of 10]
EX FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 8/1972-12/1972 [7 of 10]

Box 47

EX FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 1/1973-7/1973 [8 of 10]
EX FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 8/1973-11/1973 [9 of 10]
GEN FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 1974 [10 of 10]
GEN FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 1/1969-10/1969 [1 of 8]
GEN FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 11/1969-12/1969 [2 of 8]
GEN FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 1/1970-7/1970 [3 of 8]
GEN FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 8/1970-3/1971 [4 of 8]
GEN FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 3/1971-3/1972 [5 of 8]
GEN FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 6/1972-11/1972 [6 of 8]

Box 48

GEN FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 1/1973-8/1973 [7 of 8]
GEN FI 5-4 Credit--Loans/Housing 9/1973-1974 [8 of 8]
EX FI 5-5 Credit--Loans/Railroads 1970 [1 of 2]
EX FI 5-5 Credit--Loans/Railroads 1971-1974 [2 of 2]
GEN FI 5-5 Credit--Loans/Railroads 1970, 1972-1973
EX FI 5-6 Credit--Loans/Railroads
GEN FI 5-6 Credit--Loans/Railroads 1969-1970 [1 of 2]
GEN FI 5-6 Credit--Loans/Railroads 1971-1973 [2 of 2]

Box 49

EX FI 5-6-1 Credit--Loans/Schools-Institutions of Higher Learning/Student--Teacher 1969-1970 [1 of 3]
EX FI 5-6-1 Credit--Loans/Schools-Institutions of Higher Learning/Student--Teacher 1971-1972 [2 of 3]
EX FI 5-6-1 Credit--Loans/Schools-Institutions of Higher Learning/Student--Teacher 1973-1974
GEN FI 5-6-1 Credit--Loans/Schools-Institutions of Higher Learning/Student--Teacher 1969 [1 of 5]
GEN FI 5-6-1 Credit--Loans/Schools-Institutions of Higher Learning/Student--Teacher 1970 [2 of 5]
GEN FI 5-6-1 Credit--Loans/Schools-Institutions of Higher Learning/Student--Teacher 1971 [3 of 5]
GEN FI 5-6-1 Credit--Loans/Schools-Institutions of Higher Learning/Student--Teacher 1972 [4 of 5]
GEN FI 5-6-1 Credit--Loans/Schools-Institutions of Higher Learning/Student--Teacher 1973-1974 [5 of 5]

Box 50

EX FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1969 [1 of 5]
EX FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1970 [2 of 5]
EX FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1971 [3 of 5]
EX FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1972 [4 of 5]
EX FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1973-1974 [5 of 5]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 7/1969-12/1969 [2 of 13]

Box 51

GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1/1970-6/1970 [3 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 7/1970-12/1970 [4 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1/1971-6/1971 [5 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 7/1971-12/1971 [6 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1/1972-6/1972 [7 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 7/1972-9/1972 [8 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 10/1972-12/1972 [9 of 13]

Box 52

GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 1/1973-3/1973 [10 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 4/1973-6/1973 [11 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 7/1973-8/1973 [12 of 13]
GEN FI 5-7 Credit--Loans/Small Business 9/1973-1974 [13 of 13]
EX FI 5-8 Credit--Loans/Vessels 1971
GEN FI 5-8 Credit--Loans/Vessels 1970
EX FI 6 Credit Unions 1969-1972 [1 of 2]
EX FI 6 Credit Unions 1973-1974 [2 of 2]
GEN FI 6 Credit Unions

Box 53

EX FI 7 Funds--Accounts
GEN FI 7 Funds--Accounts
EX FI 8 Interest Rates 1969-1970 [1 of 3]
EX FI 8 Interest Rates 1971-1972 [2 of 3]
EX FI 8 Interest Rates 1973-1974 [3 of 3]
GEN FI 8 Interest Rates 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 5]
GEN FI 8 Interest Rates 7/1969-12/1969 [2 of 5]

Box 54

GEN FI 8 Interest Rates 1/1970-4/1970 [3 of 5]
GEN FI 8 Interest Rates 5/1970-5/1971 [4 of 5]
GEN FI 8 Interest Rates 1972-1974 [5 of 5]
EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 10]
EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 7/1969-12/1969 [2 of 10]
EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 1970 [3 of 10]

Box 55

EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 1/1971-6/1971 [4 of 10]
EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 7/1971-10/1971 [5 of 10]
EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 11/1971-12/1971 [6 of 10]
EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 1/1972-2/1972 [7 of 10]
EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 3/1972-10/1972 [8 of 10]
EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 11/1972-7/1973 [9 of 10]
EX FI 9 Monetary Systems 8/1973-8/1974 [10 of 10]

Box 56

GEN FI 9 Monetary Systems 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 9]
GEN FI 9 Monetary Systems 7/1969-12/1969 [2 of 9]
GEN FI 9 Monetary Systems 1970 [3 of 9]
GEN FI 9 Monetary Systems 1/1971-8/1971 [4 of 9]
GEN FI 9 Monetary Systems 9/1971-12/1971 [5 of 9]
GEN FI 9 Monetary Systems 1/1972-5/1972 [6 of 9]
GEN FI 9 Monetary Systems 7/1972-10/1972 [7 of 9]
GEN FI 9 Monetary Systems 2/1973-6/1973 [8 of 9]

Box 57

GEN FI 9 Monetary Systems 7/1973-1974 [9 of 9]
EX FI 10 Public Debt 1969-6/1972 [1 of 3]
EX FI 10 Public Debt 7/1972-11/1972 [2 of 3]
EX FI 10 Public Debt 1973-1974 [3 of 3]
GEN FI 10 Public Debt
EX FI 11 Taxation 1/1969-6/1969 [1 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 7/1969 [2 of 18]

Box 58

EX FI 11 Taxation 8/1969-9/1969 [3 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 10/1969-11/1969 [4 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 12/1969 [5 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 1/1970-3/1970 [6 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 4/1970-9/1970 [7 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 10/1970-12/1970 [8 of 18]

Box 59

EX FI 11 Taxation 1/1971-6/1971 [9 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 7/1971-10/1971 [10 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 11/1971 [11 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 12/1971 [12 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 1/1972-2/1972 [13 of 18]

Box 60

EX FI 11 Taxation 3/1972-5/1972 [14 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 6/1972-12/1972 [15 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 1/1973-4/1973 [16 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 5/1973-12/1973 [17 of 18]
EX FI 11 Taxation 1974 [18 of 18]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 1/1969-3/1969 [1 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 4/1969 [2 of 20]

Box 61

GEN FI 11 Taxation 5/1969 [3 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 6/1969 [4 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 7/1969-/1969 [5 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 9/1969 [6 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 10/1/1969-10/15/1969 [7 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 10/16/1969-10/31/1969 [8 of 20]

Box 62

GEN FI 11 Taxation 11/1969 [8 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 12/1969 [10 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 1/1970 [11 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 2/1970-5/1970 [12 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 6/1970-9/1970 [13 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 10/1970-4/1971 [14 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 5/1971-12/1971 [15 of 20]

Box 63

GEN FI 11 Taxation 1/1972-5/1972 [16 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 6/1972-9/1972 [17 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 10/1972-2/1973 [18 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 3/1973-12/1973 [19 of 20]
GEN FI 11 Taxation 1974 [20 of 20]
EX FI 11-1 Taxation/Estate--Gift 1969-1970 [1 of 2]
EX FI 11-1 Taxation/Estate--Gift 1971-1974 [2 of 2]

Box 64

GEN FI 11-1 Taxation/Estate--Gift 1969-1970 [1 of 2]
GEN FI 11-1 Taxation/Estate--Gift 1971-1974 [2 of 2]
EX FI 11-2 Taxation/Excess Profit [Empty]
GEN FI 11-2 Taxation/Excess Profit 1970
EX FI 11-3 Taxation/Excise 1969-1970
GEN FI 11-3 Taxation/Excise 1969-1970
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/1969-4/1969 [1 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 5/1969-6/1969 [2 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 7/1969 [3 of 26]

Box 65

EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 8/1969-9/1969 [4 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 10/1969 [5 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 11/1969-12/1969 [6 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/1970-4/1970 [7 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 5/1970-6/1970 [8 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 7/1970 [9 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 8/1970 [10 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 9/1970-12/1970 [11 of 26]

Box 66

EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/5/1971-1/14/1971 [12 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/15/1971-1/27/1971 [13 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 2/1971 [14 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 3/1971-4/1971 [15 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 5/1971-8/1971 [16 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 7/1971-12/1971 [17 of 26]

Box 67

EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/1972 [18 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 2/1972-7/1972 [19 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 8/1972-9/1972 [20 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 10/1972-12/1972 [21 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/1973-3/1973 [22 of 26]

Box 68

EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 4/1973-6/1973 [23 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 7/1973-9/1973 [24 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 10/1973-12/1973 [25 of 26]
EX FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1974 [26 of 26]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/1969-3/1969 [1 of 24]

Box 69

GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 4/1969 [2 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 5/1969 [3 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 6/1969 [4 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 7/1969 [5 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 8/1969 [6 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 9/1969 [7 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 10/1969 [8 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 11/1969-12/1969 [9 of 24]

Box 70

GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/1970-3/1970 [10 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 4/1970-6/1970 [11 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 4/1970-8/1970 [12 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 9/1970-12/1970 [13 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/1970-2/1970 [14 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 3/1971-5/1971 [15 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 6/1971-7/1971 [16 of 24]

Box 71

GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 8/1971-12/1971 [17 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1/1972-3/1972 [18 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 4/1972-5/1972 [19 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 6/1972-8/1972 [20 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 9/1972-11/1972 [21 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 2/1973-9/1973 [22 of 24]

Box 72

GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 10/1973-12/1973 [23 of 24]
GEN FI 11-4 Taxation/Income 1974 [24 of 24]
EX FI 11-5 Taxation/Real--Personal Property 1969-7/1972 [1 of 2]
EX FI 11-5 Taxation/Real--Personal Property 9/1972-1974 [2 of 2]
GEN FI 11-5 Taxation/Real--Personal Property 1969-1970 [1 of 3]
GEN FI 11-5 Taxation/Real--Personal Property 1971-6/1972 [3 of 3]
GEN FI 11-5 Taxation/Real--Personal Property 8/1972-1974 [3 of 3]
EX FI 11-6 Taxation/Sales [Empty]
GEN FI 11-6 Taxation/Sales



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