Official Documents
Official Documents
Official Documents

There are literally thousands of official documents associated with the current cleanup work at Hanford as well as Hanford’s previous mission of plutonium production.  Posting every document dating back to 1943 on this website would be unrealistic. 

However, certain documents are required to be posted on, and those documents can be accessed here.  In addition, we have posted a number of safety documents that can also be reviewed.

If you are seeking a document that isn’t currently posted here, please visit the Freedom of Information Act  web page.  This page provides information on requesting official documents as well as links to the US Department of Energy’s Public Reading Room for Hanford and the Hanford Technical Library.  The locations of the four Hanford Public Information Repositories located in Washington and Oregon can also be found there.

Official Documents:
Last Updated 05/18/2012 12:06 PM