
Emanuel Statement on Bush Foreign Policy, New Reports on Al Qaeda, Post-War Planning in Iraq

Posted on by Jesse Lee

Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel issued the following statement after the New York Times reported on Al Qaeda's growing strength in Pakistan and the Army's internal criticism of post-war planning in Iraq:

“Over the past several weeks we have seen a remarkable, and troubling series of reports that demonstrate all too clearly how this Administration has subjected America to a series of strategic blunders that have seriously weakened our national security, strengthened our enemies, and undermined our standing in the world. From the Pentagon’s candid account of the blunders and lack of planning by Donald Rumsfeld surrounding the occupation of Iraq, to the GAO’s devastating critique of the current strategy in Iraq, to the dangerous deterioration of the situation on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border outlined in today’s New York Times, this administration has achieved the almost unimaginable benchmark of managing to carry out a set of policies that have strengthened our two principal adversaries – Al Qaeda and Iran – all while stretching our military to the breaking point and draining billions from our struggling economy.”

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