United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Fact Sheets & Brochures

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Fact Sheets and Backgrounders
Nuclear Security and Emergency Preparedness
Incident Response
Cyber Security
Dirty Bombs
Emergency Planning and Preparedness
       Nuclear Fuel Facilities
       Nuclear Power Plants
Force-on-Force Security Exercises
Protection and Security of Radiation Sources
Safety and Security Improvements
       Fact Sheet, Backgrounder
Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Nuclear Materials and Waste
Blending of Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Byproduct Materials
Depleted Uranium and Other Waste Disposal
Dry Cask Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Failed Prostate Implant Procedures at VA Hospital in Pa.
Irradiated Gemstones
License Application for Depleted Uranium at U.S. Army Sites
Low-Level Waste Import Proposal
Medical Event Risks
Medical Use of Radioactive Materials
Mixed Oxide Fuel
Radioactive Waste
Reducing Spent Nuclear Fuel Hazards
Tritium EXIT Signs
Uranium Enrichment
Uranium Mill Tailings
Uranium Recovery
Veterans Affairs Medical Events in Pa.
Yucca Mountain Licensing
Nuclear Reactors
Chernobyl Accident
Environmental Monitoring
Emergency Preparedness
Fire Protection
Improvements Resulting From Davis-Besse Incident
License Renewal
License Transfers
Licensing Process
New Nuclear Plant Designs
Nuclear Insurance (Price-Anderson Act)
Operator Licensing
Oversight of Nuclear Power Plants
Plant Performance after TMI Accident
Power Uprates
Reactor Pressure Vessel Issues
Reactor Risk
Research and Test Reactors
Seismic Issues for Nuclear Power Plants
Steam Generator Tube Issues
Summary of Japan Events in March 2011 and NRC Response
Three Mile Island Accident
Tritium Production
Tritium and Drinking Water Standards
Underground Pipes at Nuclear Reactors

Allegation Process
Analysis of Cancer Risk in Populations Near Nuclear Facilities—Phase 1 Feasibility Study
Biological Effects of Radiation
International Radiation Warning Symbol
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Radiation Protection and the "Tooth Fairy" Issue
       Fact Sheet, Backgrounder
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General Audience Brochures
A Short History of Nuclear Regulation, 1946–2009 (NUREG/BR-0175)
Citizen's Guide to NRC Information (NUREG/BR-0010)
Making Our Business Your Business (NUREG/BR-0277)
New Reactors: Striving for Enhanced Safety (NUREG/BR-0356)
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NUREG/BR-0137)
NRC Information Digest (NUREG-1350)
NRC Public Meetings (NUREG/BR-0297)
NRC—Regulator of Nuclear Safety (NUREG/BR-0164)
Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Process (NUREG/BR-0298)
Nuclear Research Programs To Ensure Public Health and Safety (NUREG/BR-0282)
Protecting Our Nation: A Report of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NUREG/BR-0314)
Public Involvement in the Nuclear Regulatory Process (NUREG/BR-0215)
Public Petition Process (NUREG/BR-0200)
Radiation Protection and the NRC (NUREG/BR-0322)
Radioactive Waste: Production, Storage, Disposal (NUREG/BR-0216)
Reactor License Renewal: Preparing for Tomorrow's Safety Today (NUREG/BR-0291)
Reactor Oversight Process (NUREG-1649)
Regulating Nuclear Fuel (NUREG/BR-0280)
Reporting Safety Concerns to the NRC (NUREG/BR-0240)
Safety of Spent Fuel Transportation (NUREG/BR-0292)
Strategic Plan (NUREG-1614)
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NUREG/BR-0099)
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Construction Inspection Program (NUREG/BR-0355)
The Regulation and Use of Radioisotopes in Today's World (NUREG/BR-0217)
Web-Based Public Access to ADAMS (NUREG/BR-0299)

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, May 22, 2012